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Great Nations Have Women Soldiers « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Great Nations Have Women Soldiers

February 2, 2016


The troops in North Korea


I am the father of two daughters.

In a healthy society, the military’s purpose is to protect its families from threats of harm.

But, by definition, proposing to register my daughters for forced military conscription, as the U.S. military’s leaders have just done, is a threat of harm.

This is perverse.

Laura writes:

I doubt the female draft is going to come to pass.

It should happen, because it’s not fair to exclude women once they are admitted to combat, but I don’t think it is going to happen. It would be impractical, for all kinds of reasons.

This is going to be a media circus. It will be like “gay marriage,” something very few people ever considered desirable that suddenly became desirable and the subject of a hugely divisive culture war. And that’s the point: to shake things up and distract.

It would be nice if this was just military leaders showing us how ludicrous the principle of equality is by taking it to its logical conclusion. But there is some sinister agenda here that is not quite clear yet.


Women the Soviet military

— Comments —

Sven writes:

I haven’t given the motivations of the people pushing the “women in combat” issue much thought, just assuming that it was a social justice movement. Another motivator might be at play, however. Qualified candidates for the military are increasingly difficult to find because of America’s shameful drug and obesity problem. It is probable that the brass just want to be able to recruit women so that they have access to more warm bodies to fill quotas, even if it would be a disaster in a real war.

There is something else I’ve been meaning to note about this whole affair. Conservatives tend to get trapped in leftist thought structures, which always ensures their defeat. So to say women don’t belong in the military because they can’t meet the physical requirements or because they cave under pressure is to misunderstand the issue. I have met a number of talented women during my military service who could outperform many men athletically, academically and militarily. I’ve worked with women who were excellent helicopter pilots, ship drivers, and administrators. The reason these women didn’t belong in the service didn’t have anything to do with their ability to meet standards, even though it is true that most women can’t. Women do not belong in the military because the military is fundamentally a man’s institution and women inevitably wreak havoc when they are introduced into it. That’s the heart of the matter, and that’s what conservatives should be saying. They’re just afraid because you’re not supposed to challenge the “grrrrl power” narrative.

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