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America vs. Russia « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

America vs. Russia

February 23, 2016


CPT. Sarah Cudd from Public Health Command in the last few seconds of the 12 Foot March at Fort Dix, N.J. on April 27, 2015.


Russian pop singer Oleg Gazamov singing his latest hit Forward, Russia!

— Comments —

Mark Jaws writes:

I very much liked the Russian song. I spent my first seven years (1976 to 1983) as an enlisted man in the US Army as a Russian linguist. My training took over two years and at one point I functioned as a transcriber, capable of rendering a word for word transcription of intercepted voice traffic. After spending four years as an officer at Fort Bragg, the Army rewarded me by allowing me to attend the Post Graduate Intelligence Program at Bolling Air Force in DC. I received my Masters of Strategic Intelligence in Russian Area Studies. So, I know a thing or two about Russia and its people.

In my opinion, two of the major turning points in Russian history occurred when Josef Stalin yanked control of the USSR from the clutches of its Jewish Bolshevik architects in the 1920s, and 80 years later when Putin seized power and neutralized the Russian Jewish business oligarchs, who had been robbing the country blind. Russia still has big problems today – an abysmally low birth rate, but at least Putin is trying to turn that around. And more importantly, the Russian people are in control of their own destiny, unlike we Americans who are controlled by the secretive and behind-the-curtains Ashkenazi banking-media-political-cultural cabal that I call the Kosha Nostra. Russian leaders want to perpetuate the Russian people and their culture. Our “leaders” want white Gentiles displaced by a third world horde of obedient, and easily manipulated and compliant workers.

да вздравствует великий русский народ! Long live the great Russian people.

PS. If the female officer completed the 20 kilometer ruck sack march in under three hours, as it appeared she did, then she performed satisfactorily. Back in 1988 I did my 20K march in two hours and four minutes, but after having run the first 11 miles, I also staggered across the finish line because my leg muscles totally froze up. So, I can have some sympathy.

Laura writes:

Did you arrive at the finish on your knees?

Mr. Jaws writes:

No, of course not. For my 20-km march at Fort Bragg, it was summertime at oppressively humid. I must have perspired one billion beads of sweat. Towards the end, I was zoned out for a while, although I managed to cross the finish line in style. It is not as easy as it appears. You have 40 pounds in your rucksack, plus all of the water you have to carry.

James N. writes:

The individual struggling to finish the 12 mile march is probably a doctor or a nurse attempting the Expert Field Medical Badge qualification, a very difficult award with a 17%-19% pass rate. She is not comparable to a Russian Special Forces soldier.

While I agree with the implication that placing females in combat units is a bad idea, the videos compare US field medical personnel with Russian combat soldiers, which is not like with like.

Laura writes:

You’re right. Obviously I did not think of the first video as a truly fair comparison, but I should have looked for something with women in the Army Ranger school.

Paul writes:

The military should be recruiting athletes and other equally worthy males, not social experimental subjects, and should be motivating young males, not women.  A 20K (ten mile) hike is no big deal even with forty pounds on one’s back unless the hiker is an older man.  Still I am an older man, and I am sure I could do it way under three hours if challenged although it would now be a challenge with forty pounds on my back (and my back injury would later require an NSAID).  And I am not a big man and have not been exercising for months.  Many years after I wrestled in high school, I could hike ten miles in at most two and half hours without effort and without practice.  I didn’t continue because it was boring despite being on a lovely lakefront that I grew up near.  Maybe it is because I am a natural athlete, unlike the women in the military today.  The athletes I expect become the drill instructors.

As was shown by Laura’s photo comparison of the male military leader of Russia and the female leaders in Europe, the Russians are not fooling around.  The Russian could knock my teeth out with little effort (if he could avoid my takedown).  He no doubt was an athlete as were many of our military leaders.  But now social experimentation and mainly the apathy of our country, after a half century of liberalism and religious faithlessness, is trumping practicality.

Who wants to die for liberalism, feminism, Hollywood, rap, vulgarism, speech codes, a TV wasteland, and faithlessness?  Certainly not enough healthy young men or even men in their thirties or older men, who inexplicably are excluded from occupying military positions many women now hold.  Instead, women are by necessity being propagandized into not having children and leaving the home to become fodder for war, which is unnatural and similar to what the German regime did in the thirties: convince women to breed outside of marriage so as to provide Germanic male fodder for the German war machine.  Two sides of the same coin.  We need male athletes and other equally worthy males devoted not to war but to defending a non-liberal, traditional way of life.

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