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Steinem and the CIA « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Steinem and the CIA

February 20, 2016


GLORIA Steinem is hardly the anti-establishment figure she pretends to be. The Central Intelligence Agency launched Steinem’s career as a leftist activist. In the recorded interview above, Steinem openly discusses her work as a CIA agent, a fact which she later attempted to suppress. Here are more details from Kerry Bolton’s book Revolution from Above: Manufacturing ‘Dissent’ in the New World Order (Arktos, 2011):

One of the seminal ideologues of feminism, Gloria Steinem, got her start as part of the CIA policy of co-opting the Left during the Cold War era. From this beginning she was promoted and nurtured by the foundations and others of the globalist oligarchy.

Steinem became a Marxist during her student days. She stated to author Susan Mitchell: ‘When I was in college, it was the McCarthy era, and that made me a Marxist.’[ 541]

It seems that the World Controllers selected Steinem while she was at college. After graduating, she was given a Chester Bowles Student Fellowship[ 542] grant to study at the universities of New Delhi and Calcutta, spending half the grant to stop over at London to have an abortion.[ 543]

In 1958 Steinem returned from India and was recruited by the omnipresent Cord Meyer of the CIA to direct ‘an informal group of activists’ called the Independent Research Service. This was part of the CIA’s Congress for Cultural Freedom. It should be kept in mind when considering the pivotal role of Cord Meyer, that he was not only working as a CIA operative in recruiting Leftists as part of a Cold War anti-Soviet strategy, but as we have seen, he was a dedicated internationalist who co-founded the United World Federalists with James P. Warburg, and held the USSR responsible for having stymied US post-war efforts to create a World State through the UN.

In 1967 the New York Times reported that the CIA had funded American students to attend the Leftist World Youth Festivals in Europe. It was as an American delegate that Steinem was funded by the CIA to set up her Independent Research Service:

A New York freelance writer disclosed yesterday that the Central Intelligence Agency had supported a foundation that sent hundreds of Americans to World Youth Festivals in Vienna in 1959 and Helsinki, Finland, in 1962. Gloria Steinem, a 30-year-old graduate of Smith College, said the C.I.A. has been a major source of funds for the foundation, the Independent Research Service, since its formation in 1958. Almost all of the young persons who received aid from the foundation did not know about the relationship with the intelligence agency, Miss Steinem said. Ironically, she said, many of the students who attended the festivals have been criticized as leftists. The festivals are supposed to be financed by contributions from national student unions, but are, in fact, largely supported by the Soviet Union.

Miss Steinem said she had talked to some former officers of the National Student Association, who told her C.I.A. money might be available to finance American participation in the seventh postwar festival scheduled for Vienna in the summer of 1959.

The former association officers had had ties with the C.I.A. while serving the association, which last week conceded it had taken money from the intelligence agency since 1952. ‘Far from being shocked by this involvement, I was happy to find some liberals in government in those days, who were far-sighted and cared enough to get Americans of all political views to the festival,’ Miss Steinem said . . .[ 544]

Steinem explained what amounts to a subversive anti-colonialist propaganda offensive by the American delegation among Third World students:

The Independent Service financed a newspaper, a news bureau, cultural exhibits and two jazz clubs during the festival. However, its most important work was to convince youths from Asia, Africa and Latin America that some Americans  understood their aspirations for national self-determination, Miss Steinem said.[ 545]

‘Anti-colonialism’ was one of those Leftist feel-good causes, persisting to the present in the form of opposition to South Africa’s Afrikaner-based government. While the conservative Right often concentrated on the USSR’s subversion of the European empires, they generally overlooked the more subversive role of the US, the CIA, and the foundations.[ 546] When the European empires succumbed to a pincer movement between the USSR and US, and relinquished their role in the Third World the vacuum was filled by both superpowers.

Steinem later received funding for Ms. Magazine through her CIA connections, Bolton writes. Here’s more from Henry Makow.


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