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Global London « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Global London

February 3, 2016


MORE THAN half of London is non-British. Harriet Sergeant writes about a new book on the subject in The Daily Mail. 

— Comments —

B.E. writes:

Seeing this picture of a Third World section of modern London, I was immediately struck at how alien and un-Western this once-great city has become. I also thought of the contrast with the London shown in the street scenes of Royal Wedding, a 1951 Fred Astaire film made after then-Princess Elizabeth’s wedding.

I discovered that the whole movie is available online. Some London street scenes are at the 25:46 mark (stock footage) and 28:33. Part of the film was shot in London, so perhaps the street scenes with the actors in them are authentic and not shot on a sound stage. Look at London, just five or six years after WWII! The people are dressed neatly and modestly, the streets are clean and orderly, and it feels like a great Western city. Contrast that with the bazaar pictured above.

We already know what this portends for London in particular and Western Civilization in general. Cataclysm seems too mild a word.


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