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The Genteel Case for Trump « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Genteel Case for Trump

February 11, 2016

JAMES KALB writes that only someone as brash and forceful as Donald Trump could break through the tyranny of political correctness:

Trump’s been called a clown by those who guard the purity of our political culture.  The name-calling is silly in a country in which respectable opinion insists that two grooms make a wedding, and an organization that tears living babies apart and sells the pieces is a model of honor and public spirit.  They may paint Trump as a court jester who would be king.  But who wouldn’t root for the court jester—at least a little—in a world of supple place-seeking courtiers?

Since Mr. Trump is not “susceptible to pressure,” perhaps he could call a real investigation into 9/11. A New York real estate developer must know something about how skyscrapers collapse.

— Comments —

Joe A. writes:

Donald Trump reminds me of every man and older boy I knew before 1990.  I don’t know what happened during the Clinton administration and its run up but until then, men were encouraged and expected to speak their minds plainly, directly, forcefully.  Only mincing nancy boys and introverted college professors were exempt by reason of their natural inability.

Trump speaks for me and millions who never voted to impose and will never accept a culture of effeminate a** kissing.  In an earlier age, Trump would be a great king.  If his only purpose today is to be the human wrecking ball that destroys the useless GOP and Trotskyite political correctness both, he will be remembered by history as a great man.

Laura writes:

I can’t see those great qualities though he has stood up to lots of fools.

Laura adds:

Every other candidate is a pathetic empty suit. They’re mannequins and puppets. Donald’s the boss. There’s no question about that. He’s attracted so much attention that he’s kept the repulsive Jeb Bush from even being heard.

He’s openly saying many, many things that need to be said. His immigration program is for real. He’s saying we’re shipping our jobs overseas, we’re selling our borders, we’ve gone to war for the wrong reasons, our politicians are owned by special interests, the media is corrupt. He’s not rattling a saber at Russia, and that’s good. He’s great at handling the mind-blowing, petty insults that the media slings at him. He doesn’t cower and that’s extremely refreshing in a world of effeminate men. His criticisms of Hillary and the Iraq War are dead on. He is correct that Muslims should not settle in America, but then there should be no legal or illegal immigration for now at all so there is no need to vent on Muslims. Jim Kalb is right, political correctness has cast a death-like pall. Trump cuts through that. However, that a TV personality who got rich on casinos (which promote vice and fleece people with few resources out of their money) and publicly cheated on his wife might be the most politically moral candidate in the race says a lot about the state of America. (At least he hasn’t chopped the head off of any of his wives.) I can’t feel the same adulation for him that you do. Great kings in Western history were not polygamists and did not have wives who posed in the nude. Anyone not depressed by the idea of having a pin-up celebrity as First Lady troubles me. It’s alarming that his daughter, whom he calls his closest advisor, is an Israel-first Orthodox Jew (a racial supremacist). He doesn’t remind me of men of the past, who combined decency and politeness with firmness. I think his independence is greatly exaggerated. The control of America by a foreign power and the Federal Reserve is not on his radar. Our government has sold out the American people for more than 100 years. The truth of who owns America remains undiscussed. Will he keep us out of war? I’m not convinced he will. On the other hand, he would not allow us to be overwhelmed by even more refugees the way Europe recently has been. That is important. I believe he is honest on immigration.

We’re a nation that funds the cutting up of babies in the womb and the selling of their parts. (I don’t think Donald cares about that.) What can we expect?

Americans are more interested in the NFL than the truths about our condition. What can we expect?

Most people can’t even mentally or emotionally process the state we are in, so they just distract themselves. They get angry at and demonize those who try to deal with it. What can we expect?

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