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The Toddler Wage Gap « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Toddler Wage Gap

February 2, 2016

WHEN a corporate plutocrat in charge of one of the largest propaganda companies in the world urges people to give their entire lives to their jobs, to “lean in” as she likes to put it, shouldn’t people be just a tad suspicious of her motives? Is it possible that the marginalization of leisure and the family just might be in her interests?

Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook and author of bestselling Lean In, has been pushing the gender revolution for years and she gets more and more ridiculous as she goes. Here she is at the recent meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, where the oligarchy meets to wage psychological warfare against families and nations and to promote the global triumph of the debt-finance system. (Do you believe there is even such a thing as the World Economic Forum!? What chutzpah these people have! Seriously, they can’t even disguise their blatant intentions for world control.) From Sandberg:

“We assign our chores to our children in the United States, and it can be worse in other parts of the world… The boys are taking out the trash, it takes less time than cleaning the dishes and they get bigger allowances. We start out in our homes with these very different expectations and the time spent on these tasks is incredibly important.”

She went on:

It doesn’t stop there: “Mothers will systematically overestimate their sons’ crawling, and underestimate their daughters’.”

I’m sorry to be cynical, but I believe the ridiculousness of these remarks is calculated. It is calculated to get attention and cause discussion and petty strife. Conflict and emotional disagreements keep the people from wondering why the heck anyone is listening to this billionaire slave driver in the first place.

The war against male and female, against little boys who take out the trash (as if there were any of those in America), is a war against the financial sovereignty of nations and families. It’s a war against the home and the homeland. When the home becomes a sea of divided loyalties, when the homeland is all conflict, the people are citizens of nowhere and accept their bondage to unseen, mystical financial forces, such as those represented at Davos. Their loyalty is to the Firm and its partner, the collectivist utopia.

Capitalism and Communism are two sides of the same coin. They destroy traditional culture and replace it with the rule of money.

I would just like to say one more thing. Sheryl Sandberg is a megalomaniac.

— Comments —

Katherine writes:

Another superb post — you nailed it!  Communism and Capitalism are indeed two sides of the same coin of economic materialism.

I came to that conclusion 25 years ago, after about 10 years as a pro-family political activist in South Carolina.  But I had to keep quiet — nobody could understand what I meant.  I was a “nut”.

And they are both “Godless” — at least Communism is honest about it.  For that reason, I think Capitalism is even more insidious.

As I approach 70 years of age, I see more and more how destructive Capitalism has been to the family.  It is heartbreaking to hear some of my contemporaries lament how they never had time for their children because their “loyalty was to the firm.”

Laura writes:

Thank you.

More on this subject soon.

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