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Whores and Fanatics « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Whores and Fanatics

February 7, 2016

Beyonce, this year's Stupor Bowl Whore in Chief

Beyonce, featured Stupor Bowl Whore. What’s a football game without black leather and fishnet stockings?

MIKE KING offers the top ten reasons to hate the “Stupor Bowl.” They include:


Before the Super Bowl actually begins, viewers must sit through not only the National Anthem, but also “America the Beautiful”, usually sung by some no-talent, America-hating degenerate. That America the Ugly has deviated so far from the vision of its founders that it is now unrecognizable, is lost upon the brain dead masses who get all choked up over the empty rituals.


From Janet Jackson’s bare breast performance of 2004, to washed up Madonna’s booty-grinding Satanic symbolism of 2012, to Beyonce’s street whore outfit of 2013, to Katy Perry’s weird occult performance in 2015, the Super Bowl halftime show has degenerated into a spectacle symbolizing everything that is wrong with America’s so-called “culture”. Whatever happened to marching bands?


Nothing wrong with a little diversion and fun cheering for your hometown team; but many of these “fans” display a passion so intense that a straight-jacket is warranted. If only they would get as agitated about Obongo and Fed robbing them blind, or their children’s future in a permanently depressed economy, or the innocent people in faraway lands being killed by the US-Israel led Axis of Evil, or the never-ending flood of “migants” being pumped into America, or the potential coming wars with Russia and China, or the fact that their elementary school kids are being forced to learn of the joys of homo-anal sex and cross-dressing. What pathetic losers these people are!

See more at TomatoBubble.com.


during Super Bowl 50 at Levi's Stadium on February 7, 2016 in Santa Clara, California.

Stupor Bowl 50 at Levi’s Stadium on February 7, 2016 in Santa Clara, California.

— Comments —

Wheeler writes:

Are we 100% sure that the creature known as Beyoncé is a female? Staring at that photo, I could be easily convinced that he/she/it is not all he/she/it appears to be.

And even if Beyoncé is a legitimate female, one has to wonder whence the blonde hair? Isn’t she proud of her blackness? One can only imagine the torture to which she subjected her hair in order to get it to look and behave as if she were Nordic or Anglo-Saxon.

What a haunted creature this is posing before us. He/she/it has no idea what his/her/its identity really is. I see wretchedness and confusion, all without the rest and peace of God through Christ. How strange and how miserable it must be to play the Proud Black Woman role on stage, and yet tacitly admit with cosmetic imitation that white women are the worldwide standard of female beauty.

How twisted and sad. And how empty must be the hearts of those who look to him/her/it as an “artist.”

Sheila writes:

Spot on post about football (or, in ruder parlance somewhat cleaned up for your site, negro ball). The spectacle of grown white men fanatically dressing up in their gang’s colors and cheering that their ghetto negroes are better than the other team’s ghetto negroes is nauseating. Huge numbers of professional players are functionally illiterate and cannot speak comprehensible English, have criminal records, and are “graduates” of colleges that let them in and graduated them on the basis of their skin color and supposed skill with a ball or their genetically pre-determined running speed.

The halftime show is, indeed, degenerate, and all of today’s pop stars dress and behave no better than common whores. The caterwauling of the National Anthem and the fake piety for empty rituals to a debased and dead country turn my stomach. While true patriotism is derided, by both branches of the uniparty, as mere chauvinistic nationalism or – horrors – populism, the cheers and passions of “Murricans” for their negro ball teams are featured and applauded.

At its best, organized sports can serve as a means for excellent physical conditioning, teamwork, and a healthy way to channel natural and wholesome male aggressiveness and competitiveness. That is how football and other sports began. Today’s commercial spectacle dominated by non-whites who physically mature earlier than whites and are actively courted from their teen years and paid obscene amounts of money is a debased parody and serves nothing other than to enrich ghetto thugs, prideful owners, and globalist commercial firms who advertise to Americans but offshore their jobs and replace them with third world immigrants.

The only good news for me is that it is over, and the team with the rude, brash, arrogant quarterback lost.

Laura writes:

You’re too harsh in calling them “ghetto negroes.” They don’t choose where they come from. And, even if they can’t read or speak well, they are talented athletes and they work hard at it.

Anti-Globalist Expatriate writes:

Here’s the coddled, ‘special,” affirmative-action quarterback beforeafter and with the inevitable racial apologia.

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