Chaos Frank and the “Refugees”
March 19, 2016
FROM St. Corbinian’s Bear, a blogger who unfortunately believes this impostor is a valid pope:
This year’s Holy Thursday gimmick is washing the feet of refugees. Guess we’ll have to wait until next year for Pope Francis to wash the feet of polar bears to bring attention to global warming.
Your Holiness, the Bear respectfully suggests that you instead travel to Sweden, where immigration has brought the second-highest rate of rape in the world, and wash the feet of women who have been raped by refugees. If you can go there Halloween to celebrate the blessings of the Reformation with Lutherans, surely you could do something for Swedish women, whom statistics suggest 1 out of every 4 will be raped. Or do you not place the same value on the lives of personas que viven en el hemisferio norte?
Many refugees are more accurately described as “invaders.”