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More Liberation in Sweden « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

More Liberation in Sweden

March 6, 2016

MEN should have the right to terminate any legal relationship with their unborn children, according to a proposal from the Liberal Party of Sweden. It is “legal abortion” for men, and it’s hard to argue with it under the inhuman principles of sexual freedom:

Men who don’t want to become fathers should be permitted to have a “legal abortion” up to the 18th week of a woman’s pregnancy, say the young liberals.

The cut-off date coincides with the last week in which a woman can terminate a pregnancy in Sweden.

“This means a man would renounce the duties and rights of parenthood,” LUF Väst chairman Marcus Nilsen told The Local. 

By signing up for a “legal abortion” then, a man would not have to pay maintenance for his child, but neither would he have any right to meet the child.

The group believes “legal abortion” for men would promote equality between the sexes in the early stages of a pregnancy, giving men a chance to opt out. Women would also benefit if they knew from the get-go whether a man was willing to commit to parenthood, the young liberals say.

Thanks to R.H. for this tip.

— Comments —

Terry Morris writes:

Congratulations to the young liberals in Sweden for conflating terms. Probably wouldn’t go over very well if they called this what it really is – legal child abandonment for men. Whereas if they call it by the acceptable term “abortion,” well now, what good liberal could ever argue with that?!

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