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Sexy Seniors « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Sexy Seniors

March 4, 2016



My belated comment on “The “Sex is Healthy” Myth” post:

Several years ago I cancelled my membership in AARP because they frequently ran articles in their journal promoting “sex is healthy” for senior citizens. These articles advocate promiscuity and other perversions. The magazine often has ads for “adult” videos, presumably to teach old people new tricks.

The AARP magazine used to be called “Modern Maturity.” I can see why the name had to be changed.

As always, God bless you for your excellent website!

Laura writes:

Thank you!

This is a cultural phenomenon that you can see everywhere in ads, television shows and the print media: old couples embracing and gazing into each other’s eyes. Every time I walk into my bank, it seems as if there’s a new couple in ads on the wall who’ve just fallen in love at the ripe age of 70. Don’t you know, the old are sexy? Doesn’t it just make you want to … take out a loan! Here’s an example from the AARP of how they are pushing sex for the old-ish– caution, it’s indecent. It’s all just a complement to the ads, which are pressuring the old to buy things they don’t need.

Nauseating, isn’t it? What is this about?


A significant consumer market is being flattered to death.

It’s also about deliberately encouraging immaturity.

If the old can be made to feel young, they might adopt some of the impulsiveness of the young  — and buy more. 

By the way, the photo above is not typical because the couple actually does look old. Usually, the couples in these ads and articles are made to look much younger — and fake!

There’s not much consolation in growing old if there’s no dignity to it. The greatest thing about the elderly is precisely that they are not sexy.

Neil writes:

I don’t understand it.

Shouldn’t older people (assuming they are in a licit relationship) have a good time together?

Laura writes:

Sure, it’s a question of depicting older people as young.

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