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The Error of Democracy « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Error of Democracy

March 5, 2016


13 1568 Étienne Delaune (French artist, 1518-1595) Labours of the Months 3 March

Labours of the Months 3 March, Etienne Delaunce, 1568 (It’s About Time)

“The principle of Christian civilization is the existence of evil in the heart of man, and the necessity of authority in order to combat it and to establish the reign of virtue. The principle of revolutionary civilization is the immaculate conception of man and his right to liberty and equality. See there, the two roads; ‘they are not only different,’ a certain author of many evil books acknowledged, ‘but two very divergent lines,’ the author, Michelot, concluded, ‘that must always remain apart, even unto infinity.'”

— Msgr. Henri Delassus, Americanism and the Anti-Christian Conspiracy


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