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The Invasion of Europe « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Invasion of Europe

March 13, 2016

ALEX CHARLES, an American expatriate living in Europe, writes:

As someone who enjoys your articles on European issues, I just wanted to give you a heads up about a post I put together on the African Migrant Crisis.

I think you’d like it.

— Comments —

Mark Jaws writes:

Let us be clear – this is an invasion of WESTERN Europe – not of Eastern Europe. Unlike the foolishly suicidal, guilt-ridden Celtic and Germanic peoples, the Slavs are blessed with a sense of racial awareness, when they speak of the “narod” or folk, without any guilt or fear whatsoever. My Polish father had such a sense when he used to wax eloquently about Poland’s being the savior of Europe and of the white race. As a young man I used to mock him for it, but by the time I hit 30, I accepted the fact that whites are a distinct and uniquely talented people, and that the old man was right. And NOW, given its heroically steadfast stance against the Leftists who wish to overrun all of Europe with Africans, Poland serves as an example and a source of inspiration to beleaguered and battered Western Europeans. All is not lost. Polen is nicht verloren.

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