Where Are the 9/11 Whistleblowers?
March 18, 2016

A 2013 article by Denis McMahon at Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth address this question:
Many of those who cannot accept the scientific evidence that refutes the official story of the collapse of the three WTC towers on 9/11/2001 argue, “If 9/11 was an inside operation, surely at least one whistleblower would have come forward by now. You couldn’t keep something like that secret.” While at first blush this argument might seem to be logical, closer examination shows that it makes no sense.
Independent 9/11 researcher Gregg Roberts has responded to many false assertions from the defenders of the official 9/11 story Since scientific evidence has clearly shown that the official explanation for the destruction of the WTC skyscrapers cannot be true, the theory that the official story must be true because there have been “no 9/11 whistleblowers” is entirely specious.
In his groundbreaking 2006 research paper entitled “Where Are The 9/11 Whistleblowers?”, 9/11 researcher Gregg Roberts addresses the subject in painstaking detail. At one key point, Roberts notes that “physics trumps armchair psychology.” That is, the evidence is what determines whether 9/11 involved more than what officials are telling us, not an assumed theory about the power of the whistleblower.However, for the sake of those who adhere to the baseless 9/11 whistleblower theory, let’s examine the alleged power of the 9/11 whistleblower by first defining “whistleblower,” and then adapting that definition to the 9/11 context. [cont.]