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A Bit of Civil Resistance « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Bit of Civil Resistance

April 22, 2016


It doesn’t matter that she was Republican.


[I’VE BEEN AWAY from the computer for a few days. I am just catching up on comments.]

SHEILA writes:

While I don’t fool myself that I or any one individual can effect any substantial change in America 3.0, I still do what I can to publicly register my refusal to assent to its usurpation or legitimacy….

I will simply cease to use $20 bills.  While most people will be too lazy to make the effort and instead grumble in private or online only, I will refuse to accept these bills from cashiers as change, and will go into a bank for cash consisting of $50 or $10 bills rather than the “new”20s.  A small protest, and only a minor inconvenience on my part, but an important step for me psychologically.  I will not be like the communist grocer displaying the proper sign outwardly while inwardly seething at my cowardice.  The very minor inconvenience, itself, is an important reminder that maintaining my independence from this regime and my personal sense of honor is a worthwhile endeavor and one requiring numerous alterations in my behavior, small and large.

I only wish that most people weren’t idiots, so that this currency would sit unused in bankers’ vaults, but if that were so, we never would have come to this pass in the first place.

— Comments —

Lydia Sherman writes:

The same resistance caused the Susan B. Anthony coin to be taken out of circulation.. I saw many people giving it back to the cashiers and asking for different coinage. I will be asking for two tens when the new fake money is distributed.

Sven writes:

One has to be careful with postage stamps too. They’ve taken to honoring the most vile people with them, like Harvey Milk. Fortunately, you can usually get ones that simply have an American Flag or flowers.

MB writes:

I will also refuse to accept the tubman bill in an exchange, but if shackled with it by an ATM or such, I will deface it with a sharpie. I recommend that those of us who hate this new $20 bill encourage all to deface it however they like.

Paul C. writes:

Of course I will not accept a Tubman twenty when I cash a check.  I had lunch with two liberals this week and both had no problem with the twenty despite my pointing out Tubman was allied with a murderer, John Brown, who was promptly hung by the good ole U.S.A.  The response from one was Tubman was an abolitionist.  I did not want to create rancor, so I did not reply to such foolishness.  I want to abolish Muslim Jihad and Nazism, so I can be forgiven for murder?

They advised that ATMs provide only twenties.  I said I don’t use ATMs and was surprised, implying skepticism.  As it turns out, my skepticism was justified.  Make the ATM give you tenners.  Let the bank/government “eat [its] liver” (Catch 22) while you count out your $100-$300 in tens when cashing a check.  I cash using a drive-through.  So sad for our fellow gumps at those drive-throughs.

And write your federal legislators whether they are on your side or not.  All will pay close attention.  I am experienced at it.  Consider using Laura’s link: Erasing America.

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