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Buy Your Daughter Army Boots, cont. « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Buy Your Daughter Army Boots, cont.

April 29, 2016


MILITARY.COM reports on the latest move toward the draft for women:

The House Armed Services Committee on Wednesday approved by a narrow margin an amendment to a defense bill to require women to register for the draft.

Rep. Duncan Hunter, a Republican from California, proposed the amendment to lift the restriction on women registering for the selective service at a committee-wide mark-up session of the proposed fiscal 2017 National Defense Authorization Act.

“Here is why I think this is important; it doesn’t matter in this debate whether you think women should be in the infantry or be in special operations,” Hunter said during the session on Wednesday night. “I personally don’t. If we had that vote in committee today I would vote against women being in infantry and special operations.

“But this is not about women serving in the infantry. The administration has made that decision unilaterally disregarding what the Marine Corps and special operations communities have said. But that’s not what this is about. Right now the draft is sexist. Right now the draft only drafts young men. Women are excluded.”

While useful idiots acting upon misguided principles are helping this along, ultimately this is an effort, I am convinced, to remove mutinous forces from the American military.

This isn’t about equality or feminism. This isn’t about opportunities for women. This is about destroying resistance. It’s about destroying resistance to the cabal that is taking over our country. Women will go along. Real men will not.

Forget about fighting it with any kind of success on principle. You can exhaust yourself providing mountains of evidence that women don’t belong on the front lines and that women do not want to be in combat. It won’t matter a fig, anymore than the mountains of evidence of the harm of same-sex “marriage” mattered or the evidence against man-made global warming matters against the agenda to install international government via climate change laws.

This is about undermining resistance.

— Comments —

Jane writes:

Perhaps I am betraying my vast age of 44 with this comment, but I remember when the phrase “your mama wears combat boots” was an insult!

Keep up the good work!

Laura writes:


The whole thing is like a sick joke.

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