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Fox News and Trump « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Fox News and Trump

April 22, 2016

IT HAS been obvious for some time that Fox News has been actively supporting Donald Trump despite appearances otherwise. Not that I watch Fox News. But I do read about it. Just the sheer amount of coverage the network has devoted to Trump is evidence of its support. Remember, both positive and negative publicity can be effective.

Republican consultant Cheri Jacobus, who is suing The Donald for defamation, offers more evidence in her suit:


Mike King writes at The Anti-New York Times:

We are also intrigued and concerned with the sudden love that neo-con FOX News has recently been showing for Donald Trump. Even the “mainstream media” appears to have let up, somewhat, on Donald-bashing. Now if Ron Paul, or even the feckless Rand Paul had reached this level of success, would FOX and the Big 3 networks have relented on their bashing? Hell no!

This leads to a legitimate question that we must now ask ourselves: Could the early media-bashing of Donald Trump have been part of a sophisticated ‘sheep-dipping’ operation designed to help him to secure the nomination? Come on, admit it folks. Didn’t the relentless media onslaught draw you closer to Trump?

King’s point is made in a column about Trump’s recent statements support “transgender” bathroom designations:

Sorry Trump fans. Though we here at The Anti-New York Slimes still prefer Trump to Killary, we can now say with absolute certainty, that an ego-maniacal chameleon of such low character will never be able to “make America great again.” At best, he may be able to slow or even temporarily reverse the economic decline — maybe.

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