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ISIS Lies « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife


April 18, 2016

BRANDON MARTINEZ disputes the idea of a Muslim caliphate prepared to take over Europe:

1) ISIS could be completely destroyed tomorrow if the Western-NATO power bloc actually desired that outcome, but clearly they do not, since ISIS is their weapon of choice to unseat Assad, undermine Iran and defeat Hezbollah for Israel. ISIS has actually grown in strength and territory even as the 60-country anti-ISIS “coalition” has ostensibly been waging a relentless air war on the group since the summer of 2014. Obviously this “coalition” is a fake PR stunt that has no intention of actually defeating ISIS, and has been dropping caches of supplies and weapons to the group instead of bombs on its strongholds.

2) ISIS cannot be a genuine “threat” to the West because it is nothing more than an extension of Western-Israeli foreign policy itself. Any genuine blowback from ISIS true believers in the West is fully desired by the Western power elite as terrorism serves as a fear-based control mechanism on recalcitrant populations. Such “terror” events blamed on ISIS also works to obscure the reality of Western state-sponsorship and control over the group since its inception. “The West cannot be behind ISIS since ISIS attacks the West” is the desired thinking the elite hope to instill in the masses via these staged psyops, but it is a false contention. ISIS terrorism in the West is in effect Western state terrorism against its own citizens. No major ISIS-linked attack in the West since these incidents ostensibly began happening in 2014 after the West’s phony “war declaration” against ISIS has been natural or organic. Rather, all of these terror incidents are carefully choreographed, manufactured theater sponsored by Western intelligence agencies themselves. All of them were either allowed to happen or made to happen.

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