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Lovefest in NYC « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Lovefest in NYC

April 8, 2016



THE globalist feminist mafia met at the Women in the World Summit in New York this week to promote Female Self-Intoxication Syndrome, as if that artificially-induced disorder which warps feminine instincts and enables corporate, financial and political criminals to rule the world without much backlash is in need of promotion. Remarkably some people still believe feminism is anti-establishment. It’s a pretty transparent sales pitch. By constantly telling women everything they do is right and worthy of praise, celebrity feminists give ordinary women the confidence to ape masculine aggression, betray their loyalties and wage war against the men who are their natural allies. Women in the World is sponsored by Toyota, Coca Cola, Walmart and other major corporations.  Capitalism, like Communism, thrives on autonomy and female disempowerment.

Meanwhile, The Thinking Housewife has no corporate sponsors at all.





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