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Monetary Vandalism « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Monetary Vandalism

April 18, 2016



THE FACE of the man who did more than any other president to defeat the control of our monetary system by private bankers will unsurprisingly be removed from the $20 bill and replaced with one of two black female revolutionaries (Rosa Parks or Harriet Tubman.) Mike King writes:

The architect of this latest act of cultural Marxism aimed at tearing down (and eventually blending-out / genociding) the White Man is Treasury Secretary Jack Lew (cough cough). Lew claims that though the winner of the currency-change pageant will be announced soon, the new bills won’t actually start circulating until years from now. But this too could be part of the trick. By claiming that the actual transition is years away, Lew may be trying to neutralize opposition to his dictatorial move and get this act of monetary vandalism done sooner, rather than later.

Though the sheeple have long since forgotten the great deeds of Andrew Jackson, and will soon also forget the face of ‘Old Hickory’, informed liberty-loving American patriots will continue to honor him as the dauntless hero who paid off the National Debt down to zero (1835), and then “killed the bank” (1836) — the 2nd Central Bank of the United States, that is. It was for those two reasons that the usual suspects tried to assassinate him. They failed to kill him then. They have succeeded in killing his legacy now.

— Comments —

John P. writes:

Well, let’s face it: a modern $20 bill is worth about as much as Rosa Parks or Harriet Tubman are in the grand scheme of history. Jackson’s face should be on the $1000 bill.

F. writes:

Another trick is that they’re trying to abolish cash. So not to worry.


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