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Parenting in Tolerant Scandinavia « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Parenting in Tolerant Scandinavia

April 29, 2016



The Bodnariu children have been sent to foster homes.


A while back, my daughter sent me a news story about the case of the Bodnariu family in Norway, who have had their children removed from their home by the government.

There are some interesting aspects to the situation. As was described to me innumerable times when I lived in Norway, the average Norwegian goes to the Erastian (State) Lutheran Church three times in his life: when confirmed; when married, and when he dies.

You will note that the father of these children is Romanian; the mother, Norwegian, but the real problem the officials of the Norwegian nanny-state have with them is not their origins, but their intensely held religious beliefs, which they choose to instill in their offspring. Norway, like Sweden, now can remove a child from its biologial parents for a mulitude of reasons, but the use of corporal punishment and insisting the children are Biblically educated are just two. If the Norwegian welfare unit believes that there are “too many” children, they can, legally, remove the children on the assumption that they will not be taken care of properly. How, and under what conditions, they reach that conclusion cannot easily be explained, for the power of the nanny-state has far reaching implications, most of them.

There are now tens of thousands of Muslims living in Norway, many with large families. My question is whether or not the same officials of the nanny-state will be as attentive to “remove” Muslim children as they apparently are in doing so to Christian ones?

— Comments —

Mike writes:

My goodness! Taking away children because they have too many brothers and sisters? Taking them away because they memorize Bible verses? Taking them away because the parents are too dumb to take care of them (to Norwegian standards)?

What on earth do the Norwegian Child Services plan to do about the tens of thousands of Muslims they are collecting from Africa and Arabia? Too many kids? Check. Parents unable to care for them? Check. Parents retarded? Check. Parents using corporal punishment? Check. Parents forcing kids to memorize scripture? Check.

But we both know that Norwegian Child Services will NEVER do that. It would be too culturally insensitive, too disrespectful, too … assimilating.

Nope, the Norwegian social workers will do what the Minnesota social workers do about the thousands and thousands of Somali women who chop off their screaming daughters’ privates: absolutely nothing. They will painfully, squirmingly look the other way.

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