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The Losing Card « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Losing Card

April 27, 2016

THE only thing she has is the Woman’s Card and frankly she has nothing else going. If Hillary Clinton were a man, I don’t think she’d get five percent of the vote.”

This great quote from Donald Trump after his primary victory in five states yesterday is an indication of how much steam political correctness has lost in recent months. Trump deserves credit for that. What other national figure would even dare to insult feminists in this way? No one deserves an opponent like Trump more than Clinton. I think he’s right: It will be easy for him to defeat her. He will make her look weak. He will make her look like a loser.

If he were smart, he would constantly play the theme of Clinton being the anti-woman candidate because that’s exactly what she is.

— Comments —

Lydia Sherman writes:

Clinton will not win, but she will be put into office by those who control the nations policies- the insiders. It will be done with a sneaky hand, much like a cheater in a game of poker keeps the decisive card in his hand ahead of the game. The reason given will be: Trump did not get enough delegates. That makes you wonder about the delegates.

If this happens there might be outrage at being cheated of the candidate that is the only one not a career politician and not an insider. Hillary as president is designed as a step in the ultimate humiliation of the American people. You can imagine what kind of candidates will paraded before us and put in the White House next. It will be a declension of manners. Trump, with all his brashness, is still for Americans instead of for everyone but Americans.

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