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Useful Idiots on the Alt-Right « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Useful Idiots on the Alt-Right

April 22, 2016

I DON’T agree with everything he writes, but Brandon Martinez has scored again:

The open-secret that ISIS is a manufactured creation and still serves as a geopolitical tool of the United States, Saudi Arabia and Israel to destabilize Syria is neither here nor there for the Alt-Right Sith-Lords, because that truism simply doesn’t do anything to advance the cause of discrediting immigration and multiculturalism, so why bother bringing it up? The fact that our Western leaders are spearheading a psychopathic agenda to destroy other societies around the globe, in the service of Israel and corporate cartels, is also not palatable to the “whites are always victims” mentality of Alt-Right dogma; hence why it’s rarely, if ever, addressed in their outlets.

Mass immigration is part of the elite’s globalist plan to erode traditional cultures and neutralize resurgent nationalism that poses a danger to the mechanisms of global finance, and white nationalities are uniquely threatened by this phenomenon. That nefarious agenda is important to expose and deconstruct, which the Alt-Right is correct in doing. But in their vain pursuit of political point-scoring they’ve rendered themselves useful idiots for our Zionist rulers on one of the biggest issues of our time: staged terror.

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