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The Thinking Housewife


April 26, 2016



Reigning American Goddess, Beyonce

FROM the blogger Matt Walsh:

I was particularly disturbed reading some messages and emails from a number of mothers who, after I criticized Beyonce on Twitter a few days ago, wrote to inform me that their daughters have become “better” and “more confident” people from listening to Beyonce. Beyonce is a role model, I’m told. The president shares this view, stating a while ago that Beyonce “could not be a better role model” for his girls.

Role model. Empowering. Brilliant. Genius. These are lofty titles for anyone to fit, so how close does Beyonce come? Leaving aside for the moment the racist undertones and the fact that she dresses like a wealthy stripper, let’s look at what she’s actually saying. Here are a few choice lyrics from the the same album the New York Times calls “a revelation of spirit:” [language warning]

Who the f*** do you think I is?

You ain’t married to no average b***h boy
You can watch my fat ass twist boy
As I bounce to the next d*ck boy
And keep your money, I got my own
Get a bigger smile on my face, being alone
Bad motherf*****, God complex
Motivate your ass call me Malcom X
Yo operator, or innovator
F*** you hater, you can’t recreate her no
You’ll never recreate her no, hero

And from Mike King:

In this cultural cesspool that is Zionist-dominated America, Beyonce the glorified go-go girl stands head and big booty above all other skanky mediocre-talent whore challengers for the throne of ‘Queen of Pop Music.’ Indeed, ‘Queen B’ and her former drug-dealing husband, Jay-Z (fka Shawn Carter), rank so high among America’s degenerate aristocracy that they have earned the privilege of mingling with Mr. & Mr. Obongo as social equals.

Said the Homo-In-Chief of Beyonce:

“Beyoncé could not be a better role model for my girls because she carries herself with such class and poise and has so much talent.”

 See Jon Pareles in The New York Times analyzing this trash as if it were high art here.

Kidist Paulos Asrat looked at the rise of Beyonce as a “goddess wannabe” in 2011 and 2010.

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