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“All the Single Ladies” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

“All the Single Ladies”

May 19, 2016

A JEWISH feminist can yammer on and on about marriage and family and never once show the slightest interest in the welfare of children. Seriously, go to this long interview with Rebecca Traister, yet another well-funded Jewish feminist lecturing us about how great female self-centeredness and the destruction of the family are in a book that is like so many other books by Jewish feminists, and search for the word “children” or “child” in the text. You will not find them, even though she is talking about marriage — you know, marriage, that institution for creating, protecting and nurturing children. You will, however, find a reference (Roe v. Wade) to killing children.

Jewish feminism (is there any other kind?) is like Judaism in general. It exalts self-centeredness, materialism and resentful paranoia.

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