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Anti-Life Antipope « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Anti-Life Antipope

May 20, 2016

THE TRADITIO website reports:

On May 9, 2016, 100 international pro-life groups took over Rome to protest Francis-Bergoglio’s anti-Catholic and anti-family March 19, 2016, Apostolic Exhortation, Amoris Laetitia” (The Joy of Sex). The challenge was issued in the keynote address of the annual Rome Life Forum. The international pro-life groups have essentially branded Bergoglio as anti-life. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by LifeSite News.]

The pro-life groups demanded the outright repeal of Bergoglio’s flawed document, which deviates from true Catholic doctrine and morality and teaches error:

•the section about sex education speaks at length about sex education in schools, but omits any reference to the rights of parents, which the Catholic Church teaches take precedence over the involvement of schools

•references to public adultery that fail to point out the intrinsic evil of adultery

•the suggestion that adulterous sexual acts may be justifiable

•the false message that marriage is not indissoluble

•failure to teach the truth about right and wrong morality

True Catholics, the Neocon Newchurchers are now beginning to realize what a homewrecker this Francis-Bergoglio is, and the home that he is wrecking is the true Catholic Church, which he openly despises in favor of an immoral Marxist Newchurch. The real question, then, is: why do these Neocon Newchurchers still pander to this man instead of following the Biblical prescription and shunning him entirely? At least the demented Bergoglio is faithful to his Marxism. The hypocritical Neocon Newchurchers are not faithful to true Catholicism.

— Comments —

Paul C. writes:

The Pope has repeatedly decried the evil of abortion and contraception.  But he talks too much, and that is how he gets himself into trouble.  He is incapable of speaking about Catholic doctrine off-the-cuff.  Perhaps he is similar to Trump, who seems to know evil when he sees it, but he talks too much and answers gotcha questions, those designed to embarrass, expose, or disgrace someone. We should pray for the Pope, as he has asked us to do.  The clergy need our prayers.

Laura writes:

What you say is just not true. The “pope” has not spoken out against abortion on occasions when it was most needed. He did not admonish Obama or Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, for example, when he met with them. He has not given open support for the March for Life. He has spent far more time on the environmentalist cause, which does not involve comparable evil. Novus Ordo Watch writes:

On May 8, which was Mother’s Day this year, the March for Life took place in Rome, and many of its participants attended the Regina Caeli audience in St. Peter’s. Not only did the ever-talkative “Pope”, who has something to say about every mudslide in Bolivia, not have a message of encouragement for the anti-abortion fighters, he did not even give them his “blessing” or endorsement. A mere half-sentence “salute” is all they got, which was entirely consistent with his defeaning silence on abortion and homosexuality whenever speaking out could actually make a difference.

We should pray for the conversion of Jorge Bergoglio, recognizing that anything is possible with God’s grace, but that such an event is extremely unlikely at this point given his stubborn and fixed apostasy. Bergoglio was not Catholic when he was elected pontiff, and thus his election was invalid, as a non-Catholic cannot be chosen as pope. As Fr. Anthony Cekada explains, a public heretic is barred by divine law from becoming pope.

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