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Appropriate Outrage « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Appropriate Outrage

May 18, 2016


AN UNNAMED WOMAN protests Target’s “transgender bathroom” policy. To many Americans, she is contemptible. She has received a barrage of blistering abuse online — hateful rhetoric accusing her of being hateful — much of it directed against her large family and her appearance, proving that the Internet (and America) is largely garbage.

Give this woman a vote of confidence. Don’t shop at Target. Get your cheap imported goods elsewhere, even if you have to drive a few extra miles or order online.

In related news, every billboard company in Minnesota rejected an ad protesting Target’s policy.

— Comments —

Terry Morris writes:

I have watched the video. This woman’s outrage over the Target bathroom policy is, as you say to head the post, appropriate. But her manner of expressing it is clearly not. She is making a public spectacle of herself, and comes across as a raving lunatic. She is intentionally loud, obnoxious, in your face and very angry in tone. How anyone could expect this approach to have the (presumably) desired effect, I do not know. I personally would never permit my wife to take such an approach, and especially with my children in tow. This is not the demeanor of a truly Godly woman. She runs roughshod over her husband and family, I guarantee it.

Laura writes:

What would you suggest? That she write a letter to Target?

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