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Hillary Earns $22M in “Speaking Fees” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Hillary Earns $22M in “Speaking Fees”

May 24, 2016

THE New York Post reports on Hillary the Cash Cow. In a two year period, she earned close to $22 million in speaking fees, mostly from business and financial interests. Think of that: $22 million. To make speeches. (Bill earned $27 million.) Why does she command such high fees from corporate America?

As Obama has shown, there’s now essentially no limit on the president’s power: He can dictate overtime wages (via executive decree), the forcible integration of the suburbs (via HUD) and even sexually integrate bathrooms (under Title IX). No wonder private companies want to cozy up to the White House. Your business is now the president’s business, if he or she wants it to be.

But, should Hillary attain the White House, you ain’t seen nothing yet. For the Clintons, who once rented out the Lincoln Bedroom, too much doesn’t even approach being enough.

Hillary will not be the first woman president, if elected. She will be the first woman dictator. As long as it’s a first for women …

— Comments —

Michael S. writes:

Of related interest:

“The difference between what the Clintons were paid for their speeches and what others with similar resumes got paid is the compensation they got for influence peddling.”

George Pal writes:

Clinton enables her louche lothario  and co-hustling better half; helps to build the Clinton Foundation into a white collar criminal enterprise; invokes her femaleness as political armor; and indicts Willy’s victims for their femaleness.

The oldsters consternated over eclipses and witches. Modernites induce the eclipse of Western Civ and scheme to get witches (Hillary and Angela) elected.

Laura writes:

Hillary is a thug. She should be behind bars, not the head of a political machine.

But even her supporters know that.

Lydia Sherman writes:

I had to look twice at this sign in someone’s yard:


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