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Hindu Eloi « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Hindu Eloi

May 3, 2016


A READER writes:

The latest mindless idiocy that European, Christian (at one time) millenials are wholeheartedly embracing, without thinking for a minute about what they are actually doing, is reported in The Gothamist in New York City:

Holi Phagwa is the springtime Hindu festival of colors, a ritual dating back thousands of years in honor of Sri Krishna. From a fascinating history of the tradition: “Inner illumination is the real Holi. The spring season is the manifestation of the Lord… Holi is said there to be His heart.” The celebration is visually recognizable because it features colorful powders which end up all over attendees to varying degrees, not unlike the Color Run.

There are several festivals around the city every year celebrating Holi, and Brokelyn recently questioned if they have gone from harmless celebration to cultural appropriation. “I saw it on Eat Pray Love and I was like ‘I gotta go to this,’” one attendee at a recent Holi celebration in Bushwick told them.

They are engaged in the worship of one of a multitude of silly, nightmarish pagan ‘gods,’ and proving useful tools for South Asian men seeking to find a silly white woman. I see this all the time now in New York.

Many of the photos actually capture this.

This is similar to what happened at the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ ‘movement’, where numbers of women were molested/raped in the encampmentes, some actually in Church-hall accomodations.
They were purposely targeted and hunted for the right opportunity.





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