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Under Trump, It Will Continue « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Under Trump, It Will Continue

May 16, 2016


Look, Barack Hussein Obama/Barry Soetoro has a set of beliefs. Those beliefs are evil. Granted. However, he has a set of beliefs and he acts on them in a decisive manner. He brooks no opposition and is willing to bend, twist and actually break every law prohibiting his conduct to accomplish his goals. He is a bare-knuckled Chicago politician enhanced by the use of the sort of Communist-style thuggery he learned from Frank Marshall Davis and the disciples of the late Saul Alinsky. He is making the most of his last year in office, and he is complete unapologetic for anything that he has done.

The Republican Party’s presumptive nominee, on the [other] hand, Donald John Trump, believes in nothing other than “make America great again,” an empty slogan which I have refuted several times recently. Trump has said that “everything is negotiable,” and this means that he hath no understanding of the concept of truth even on a purely philosophical level.

This is very sad as those who believe that a “President Trump” would do anything to thwart the advance of moral evil in this country is badly deceived. A Trump presidency would be different than that of the wretched, corrupt and contemptuous statist named Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton on some matters. Ultimately, though, the advance of moral evil would continue. The only difference in a Trump administration would be that many of the very voices who are rightly outraged by Obama/Soetoro’s constant constitutional overreach will be muted for fear of angering the naturalist in whom they pinned their hopes. Such is the diabolical trap in which we find ourselves. No country can be made “great again” by those who do the adversary’s bidding for him by advancing or remaining indifferent to evil.  

Anyone who thinks that the election of Donald John Trump is going to at least put the “brakes” on the insane perversity that has been advanced by the fascism of the homosexual collective is mistaken. Badly mistaken. This is especially the case as the illogic of sentimentality is such that many legislators will seek to personalize the issue of “bathroom access” as “nuanced” because it involves their own family members. Witness the case of a pro-life members of the United States House of Representatives, Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, a native-born Cuban and a bpatized Catholic who apostatized to become an Episcopalian, and her son, Rodrigo Heng-Lehtinen, a “transgender rights activist,” who believes himself to be a woman even though he is a man:

MIAMI — The day Rodrigo Heng-Lehtinen told his prominent parents about his new gender identity, he did so in a letter that he left on their bed. Then he grabbed a packed bag and, unsure of whether he would be welcomed back, went to a friend’s house to see if his family would love him or leave him.

His shocked parents, Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, a Miami Republican, and Dexter Lehtinen, who served as the top federal prosecutor here, did not hesitate. They grabbed the phone and told him that they loved him and that family trumped all, and asked him to come home. But as with many parents of transgender children, they were also overwhelmed by fear: The future they saw for their then 21-year-old, whom they had named Amanda, would be pockmarked with discrimination and bullying, if not outright violence.

It was this visceral reaction to want to protect her child that drove Ms. Ros-Lehtinen to break from her party’s skepticism or hostility on gay and transgender issues — a stance evident now in North Carolina’s battle over transgender bathroom visits — and become a conspicuous advocate in Congress and more recently in public service announcements. On Monday, Ms. Ros-Lehtinen, her husband and her son, now 30, will appear in the latest one for SAVE, a longtime South Florida gay rights group that hopes to engage the Latino community here.

“I worried about his safety and about his well-being,” Ms. Ros-Lehtinen said, noting that inflammatory debates like the one about school bathrooms serve to further alienate transgender youths and subject them to more bullying and animosity. “I didn’t want him to be depressed. You think of all the parade of horribles that could happen.”

There is ample evidence that many transgender people continue to be rejected by their families, employers and society, a situation that is beginning to change as the transgender movement becomes more visible and better organized. And while Ms. Ros-Lehtinen profoundly disagrees with President Obama on a number of issues, especially on his approach to Cuba, she agreed with his administration’s directive Friday telling school districts to allow students to use the school facilities that match the sex they identify with, even if that conflicts with their anatomical sex.

“Allowing students to use the bathroom of their authentic selves is a step forward in stopping the stigma around transgender individuals,” said Ms. Ros-Lehtinen, 63, the first Hispanic woman elected to Congress. “Unnecessary laws only make transgender youth feel unaccepted, and can lead to depression or even worse, suicide.” (Pro-Life Congresswoman Has Personal Stake in Transgender Issue.)

Our gender is defined by God, Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen, not by our so-called “authentic selves.”

— Comments —

Terry Morris writes:

What a load of pure horse sh*t! I have a (female) relative of whom my father always said, “she’ll lie when the truth sounds better.” He was right, and she still does. I was reminded of my relative while reading the “story” of the “pro-life” Florida Congresswoman and her so called “transgender” son. The implication of course is that she and her husband not only did not contribute in any way to the young man’s character formation and gender identity issues, but also that he was so good at “living the lie” of being just a normal young man, that it simply never occured to them he had serious identity issues until that fateful day when he sprung the letter on them. And in that very instant, they (the parents) did a complete 180 in attitude about “transgenderism.”

Anyone who believes that utter hogwash is a complete and hopeless fool who apparently doesn’t know the type like my female relative who will lie when the truth sounds better. Indeed, anyone who believes it has the problem of lying to himself/herself when the truth sounds better.

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