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On Putin Worship « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

On Putin Worship

May 26, 2016

BRANDON MARTINEZĀ criticizes Western fans of Vladimir Putin:

Idolizing a man who is in effect a mafia don shows the moral degeneration of those who view themselves as ‘alternative thinkers.’

— Comments —

Mark Jaws writes:

As a semi-Semite who views the omnipotent and corrosive power of the Kosha Nostra as the Numero Uno threat to our western civilization, I see Putin not as a hero to be worshipped, but as a valuable enemy of our enemy. When Russia nearly tattered into the clutches of the Jewish Kosha Nostra Oligarchs over 15 years ago, it was Putin who saved the day. A la Stalin, he carefully played one robber baron oligarch against the other until he emerged powerful enough to sweep the entire house clean.

It is with a straight face that I say there is likely more freedom of expression in Russian universities than in our own, and while there may not be a religious revival in Russia today, at least Putin and his crowd are not hostile to public displays of religion as our elites are. I would take Putin to lead my country over any Democrat out there.

Tom writes:

Some background on Putin that may beĀ of interest to Mr. Martinez.

Laura writes:


Remember, Martinez is referring to Putin worship, not saying he has done nothing good..

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