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Onward, Nostalgia-Hankering Pontiffs! « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Onward, Nostalgia-Hankering Pontiffs!

May 17, 2016

WHO ARE the greatest enemies of the Fake, Fony, Faux “Catholic” Church of Vatican II? Is it,

1) Muslims?

2) Atheists?

3) “Married” Male Couples?

4) Environmentalist Earth Worshippers?

5) Conspiratorial Jews?

6) Angry Feminists?

7) Raunchy Rock Stars?

8) Catholics?

See answer below:

IF YOU answered 8, congratulations!!! You are correct. The answer is: Catholics!

The V2 Church has only kind words for Muslims, atheists, sodomites, environmentalists, Jews, angry feminists and raunchy rock stars.

But it has very, very, very not-so-nice things to say about Catholics. Oooh, those meanies!

Here is “Fr.” Thomas Rosica, PR official of the Fake, Fony, Faux Vatican:

“Many of my non-Christian and non-believing friends have remarked to me that we ‘Catholics’ have turned the Internet into a cesspool of hatred, venom and vitriol, all in the name of defending the faith!” he said.

“The character assassination on the Internet by those claiming to be Catholic and Christian has turned it into a graveyard of corpses strewn all around,” said Rosica, who assists the Vatican Press Office with English-speaking media, on May 11 as he delivered the keynote address at the Brooklyn Diocese’s observance of World Communications Day.

“Often times the obsessed, scrupulous, self-appointed, nostalgia-hankering virtual guardians of faith or of liturgical practices are very disturbed, broken and angry individuals, who never found a platform or pulpit in real life and so resort to the Internet and become trolling pontiffs and holy executioners!” Rosica said.

“In reality they are deeply troubled, sad and angry people,” he said. “We must pray for them, for their healing and conversion!”

Both Rosica and his “Salt and Light TV” Catholic network in Canada have occasionally been targeted for on-line criticism, especially from conservative and pro-life Catholic organizations.

The Internet, Rosica said, “can be an international weapon of mass destruction, crossing time zones, borders and space.” He also described it as “an immense battleground that needs many field hospitals set up to bind wounds and reconcile warring parties.”

An “international weapon of mass destruction?” Ah, that is music to my ears.

Pray for these holy executioners, dear readers!

March on, deeply troubled, sad and angry soldiers!

March, broken and disturbed knights! Chop off their heads, holy executioners!

Onward, you obsessed, scrupulous, nostalgia-hankering, virtual guardians of the faith! Cross time zones! Cross borders! Cross space!

May you trolling pontiffs never find a platform or pulpit in “real life!”

— Comments —

George Pal writes:

Throughout history, the Catholic faith has transformed entire cultures and civilizations; building cathedrals and universities, taking care of the poor and sick, proclaiming God’s goodness, reminding of His provision, instilling in all who would have it, approbation of truth, and beauty and creation (children, and the life with them – families). And there was art and literature; science and medicine were nurtured, everywhere the quality of life benefitted and how could it not – there where life was sacrosanct. Christian, generally, and Catholic, specifically, faith may similarly change the world again today. The Church had opened the windows (Vat 2) under the delusion incense would waft aloft and spread over the world. What in fact happened was the fetor found its way into the Church and now there’s no telling where the incessant foul odor comes from. We have no need of tent revivals. We have need a tanker-loads of Lysol and serious hazardous toxic waste removal.

But first, the Church must rid itself of the Gnostics, the infiltrators, the sappers, the demolishers – anathema on them all – bell book and candle. I propose, first, we scrub the church clean of its sodomites.

And “Fr.” Thomas Rosica, you have made my long list of culprits.

Laura writes:

Thank you.

It’s comments like yours that make this site a “cesspool of hatred, venom and vitriol.”

A reader writes:

Onward, you obsessed, scrupulous, nostalgia-hankering, virtual guardians of the faith! Cross time zones! Cross borders! Cross space!

You forgot:  Cross dressers!

Wait, is that another topic? …

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