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Pagan NewChurch « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Pagan NewChurch

May 13, 2016


AT the Basilica of Saint Mary of Minneapolis, Aztec dancers join in Evening Prayer. Not that it is any worse than this.

Here is the M.C., who wears the grin of a game show host:



— Comments —

W. Higgins writes:

These dancers belong to a group called: “Kalpulli Ketzal Coatlicue”which translates to “Precious mother earth.” Like most -if not all- Mexica (“Aztec”) deities, her myths and persona are disgusting and demonic:

“The goddess was worshipped in the spring ritual of Tozozontli in the rainy season and in the autumnal hunting festival of Quecholli, when an impersonator of the goddess was sacrificed.”


“In art Coatlicue is most famously represented in the colossal basalt statue found at Tenochtitlan which now resides in the National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City. The figure is 3.5 m high, 1.5 m broad and depicts the goddess in her most terrible form with a severed head replaced by two coral snakes, representing flowing blood. She wears a necklace of severed human hands and hearts with a large skull pendant. She also wears her typical skirt of entwined snakes whilst her hands and feet have the large claws which she uses to rip up human corpses before she eats them. This may reference the connection between Coatlicue and the star demons known as the tzitzimime, who the Aztecs believed would devour the human population if the sun should ever fail to rise.” (Source)

This all sounds vaguely reminiscent of the demon “Kali” who was featured on the Empire State building not too long ago.  I’ve seen the statue of Coatlicue before, and it all breathes the same unclean spirit:

Climate Marchers Worship Coatlicue — The Mother Of Gods

“Most Aztec artistic representations of this goddess emphasize her deadly side, because Earth, as well as loving mother, is the insatiable monster that consumes everything that lives. She represents the devouring mother, in whom both the womb and the grave exist.” [Source.]

And her dancers came to the basilica to be “at evening prayer”? I don’t think that they came to shed their pagan feathers to become christians…

Attached is a coloured picture of this “precious mother” in all her gory..err. “Glory.”


Laura writes:

Thanks for the background information. What we see here isn’t just people of a different culture wearing traditional costumes in a church, they are invoking their gods in a (once) Catholic church.

The Aztecs practiced human sacrifice. The mindless grin of “Archbishop” Hebda, which I assume he flashed during this ceremony, is the modernist’s cover, his way of making even an endorsement of ancient savagery seem harmless.  Anything is good, as long as there is some recognition of the supernatural.

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