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Sex Ed for Migrants « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Sex Ed for Migrants

May 17, 2016


I am not making this up; no one could: The Washington Post carried an article (warning: graphic language) Sunday entitled, “Germany is trying to teach asylum seekers about its liberal attitude toward sex,” by Anthony Faiola and Stephanie Kirchner. I defy anyone reading that headline and then the story either to stop laughing, or from throwing up one’s hands in disgust. What has happened to Germany; indeed, what has happened to Europe and the West? In the inimitable words of the late Lawrence Auster, the nations of the West are on “the path to national suicide.”

Faiola, who is The Post’s Bureau Chief in Berlin, (and may be homosexual), reports that the German Federal Center for Health Education has created a website, “Using highly graphic diagrams and images,…the site outlines topics including first-time sex and how to perform far more advanced sexual acts.” Remember, this is a once well-respected newspaper with national circulation, read by “the Washington power people.” Signor Faiola then casually remarks that the website came about, “After a rash of sexual assaults allegedly (emphasis mine) committed by suspect including asylum seekers on New Years’ Eve…” There is nothing alleged about it: it was reported to the police in cities including Hamburg. In Munich, “…public swimming pools published cartoons warning migrants not to grope women in bikinis.” Under the Merkel regime, none of these perversions was allowed to be publicized throughout Germany, and to my knowledge, not one of these miscreants was deported.

But not to worry, for we know the real source of the problem: “Some, however, argue that Germany’s liberal attitude toward sex must be respected, including by conservative religious (emphasis mine) newcomers who are not used to such openness. It is, in no small measure, part of the refugee integration process.” Although nothing in the website was offensive to Nuri Koseli, spokesman for Islamic Relief Germany, he did question if such “…explicit teaching could prove frustrating for some migrants stuck in refugees camps and with limited access to sexual partners.” I repeat: I am not making this up.

There is an Italian proverb that is appropriate here: “Whoever forsakes the old way for the new, knows what he is losing, but not what he will find.” In short order the West will find this out, and then regret what it has lost, but all too late. Perhaps another saying fits here: You deserve what you get, and you get what you deserve.

— Comments —

A reader writes:

Does the media there think the migrants aren’t sexually abusive enough? They need more encouragement?

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