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The Asian West « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Asian West

May 3, 2016



Actress Lucy Liu

KIDIST PAULOS ASRAT, an Ethiopian living in Canada, writes:

Here is an interesting article: “Asian Americans are serious about influencing US elections – and Hillary Clinton could benefit.” As it points out, Asian-Americans are now the fastest growing ethnic group in America and their numbers are expected to surpass that of black Americans by 2060. Their political influence is also rising, and they favor the Democrats.

I have, since many years now, held the belief that Asians have no interest in Western culture, and have found a fantastic loophole with which to take advantage of it. I should say “loopholes.”

Firstly, they are considered the “model” immigrant: smart, calm, easily accommodating to the white American and Canadian culture, and better than those blacks (Africans and Caribbeans), Muslims, and even Eastern Europeans.

So, they get bypassed for many transgressions, including as you point out, the fascinating academic cheating that is being detected in the upper levels of universities. This of course must apply to the work force as well.

Secondly, the women, with the blessing of their fathers and mothers, have become successful at snagging that lost and foolish white male, who destroyed his family and culture by supporting and advancing feminism, thus discarding his own women and culture. There must be a special place in hell for men who abuse their women, which also means not providing for them safe and secure homes, families and societies.

Once married to this pathetic man, these women, and their Asian families, work hard at bringing their own culture to the forefront, while opportunistically using all the benefits of the white culture, including kind and civilized (which in this case translates to “wimpy”) husbands, functional and attractive homes, efficient and attractive towns and cities, jobs which provide them with all kinds of safety nets to make their lives as free of stress as possible. Try finding all that in China (or Korea, or Japan).

But, since they see themselves as victims, of those racist men, including their white husbands (what kind of dual lives must they live, or is it easy – easier – for them to do so than for other cultures?), they will always find something to attack and blame in the white culture.

It is irrelevant whether they say they are Democrat or Republican, as this excerpt from the article shows. Republicans will court them even if there is no chance of their support for the largely white party:

“I want more Asian Americans of all ethnicities to be part of our political process,” said Jason Chung, the Republican National Committee’s director of Asian Pacific American engagement.

[The AAPI acronym AAPI comes on early in the piece, with no explanation for the ignorant like me. Of course, everyone knows what it stands for: Asian American and Pacific Islanders, right?! Oh, so Obama is an AAPI…. Such is the arrogance of Asian immigrants….]

He declined to share the party’s targets for those voters but noted the importance of the kinds of states the AAPI Victory Fund is focusing on.


The Clinton campaign said it has worked on voter turnout among Asian American and Pacific Islander communities. The candidate did numerous stops in Asian neighbourhoods before her recent win the New York’s primary, including going for bubble tea in Flushing, and Asian neighbourhood in New York.

Clinton was the only presidential candidate scheduled to appear at a reception next week held by an Asian American and Pacific Islander group in Washington, D.C.

Above is a photo of the actress Lucy Liu that appears at the top of the article.

If you look at it carefully, you will see that the woman in the back, with her back to the horizon-looking Liu, is a white woman, with long red hair. As I am wont to analyze photos, this is an impression of the Asian woman, looking forward, supplanting the white female, whose direction is only backwards, and into a history which is no longer relevant … The Future Belongs to Liu/You.

Liu, is a successful actress who now acts in a series called Elementary, based on Sherlock Holmes, as Doctor Susan Holmes, and her “Asianness” has nothing to do with the role. So no stereotype there at all. White directors have taken her on with their arms open, giving her serious roles.

Here she is doing the now cliché, “How wonderful we get to promote cultural diversity” in a speech:

Liu, the 2016 Artist of the Year, was welcomed by S. Allen Counter, director of the Harvard Foundation.

The “Kill Bill” and “Charlie’s Angels” actress starring in the CBS “Elementary,” was named 2016 artist of the year by the Harvard Foundation for Intercultural and Race Relations[Source].

Kill Bill is a super violent movie. Charlie’s Angels, Liu version is nothing like the Farah Fawcett’s original. Liu played a vicious Asian lawyer, Ling Woo, in the TV series Ally McBeal, a role which gave her the fame she now has.

Liu has a “surrogate baby” she calls Rockwell Lloyd. He looks 100% Asian, but then he has that reddish hair. Although it could be a passing quirk. ALL of Liu’s boyfriends have been white.

I’m sending some attached photos of “Asians” here at Whole Foods in Mississauga, where I am writing from and where at times I feel as if I am living in China. The Asian “Canadian” is very aggressive, super-loud, super-confident, on cellphones and in conversation. Everyone else in the restaurant (or I should say, the whites) is quiet and even submissive.

My neighbors, who have grown children here, continue with their gutteral language, excessive even for the thin walls of the hastily built apartment we live in, which was quickly made just for them, and sold at exorbitant prices. But, it must be better than anything they can get in China, or Hong Kong, so the usual maintenance and critical review is down to a minimum. Loud ventilators are not a problem because they do the job, don’t they? Thin walls are fine, since we have a solid wall, don’t we? Etc, etc.

Still, I think many of the money transactions are from dubious sources, as these articles (12) keep telling us. I even think the rich Chinese coming to invest in America is a myth, carefully fabricated by the Chinese and greedy American and Canadian investors out to take whatever penny they can.

So, in the article I quoted above, (although it includes Indians as part of these Asians, who I think are different and more honest than Chinese about their race and their family structure), you see Asians as discontented politically, finding ways to become victims, and blaming the white man who nonetheless makes their lives spectacularly comfortable and easy. That is what we’re up against, and we’re supposed to take it lying down, so to speak.

— Comments —

Fr. Michael Ruskin writes:

Very astute observations.  In line with them I am finding the site The Occidental Observer  a challenging one.  Run by white evolutionists of an atheistic bent they are naturally concerned with their (and mine) particular strand of humanity. They argue  Christianity is contributing to a perilous future for white people.  Their generalisations  about much of modern Western Christianity are well made.  The article, found here,  claims [modernist] Christianity has betrayed the Western nations for a universalism which has no reason to promote or protect the white tribe. Self annihilation for the common good?  The author only occasionally attends the church to which his wife belongs and the last visit was alarming for him. The pastor was speaking against politicians who weren’t in favour of spending more money on refugees.

Whereas Christians once sought to convert the tribes of Europe they now appear to be attempting to subvert them.   Surely, this is not the Gospel which is for all “nations”, it is humanism  dressed up to fit in with the secular drive for globalisation, where all distinctions must be obliterated. Is there  a failure  to understand that while personal salvation involves dying  to sin it doesn’t follow one should seek the death of their own nation/culture.  Unbelievers, like the author of the article ,  might be justified in sensing Christianity has become a fifth column and this realisation  is contributing to a general sense of unease in the West.

Is the problem being over-played, can we separate acts of charity and caring for immigrants from a nihilistic bent , perhaps fostered by secular  forces which seek to create a global community without room for sovereign nations?  I don’t think so because the refugee crisis is a deliberate attempt to transform Europe. Much like Stalin and his forced transportations. Adding to the problem is a Feminist Christianity which is unable to resist evil and all  too often feels   the best thing is to compromise, so that we can more easily coexist.   A parishioner from a local Anglican church left me one of their recent newsletters. In it great excitement was expressed about a meeting to be held under the auspices of the bishop to discuss suitable blessings for same sex marriages. If you can’t beat them then at least say nice things about their joining?   It is impossible to build anything of value with ideology , as the USSR found out, without God and faith everything collapses and the future appears bleak. With faith the reverse happens.

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