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The Death of Bush Republicanism « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Death of Bush Republicanism

May 10, 2016

PATRICK BUCHANAN wrote in a recent column:

No matter who wins in November, there is no going back for the GOP.

Can anyone think the Republican Party can return to open borders or new free-trade agreements like NAFTA?

Can anyone believe another U.S. Army, like the ones Bush I and Bush II sent into Afghanistan and Iraq, will be mounted up and march to remake another Middle East country in America’s image?

Desert Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom are history.

What the Trump campaign revealed, as Republicans and even Democrats moved toward him on trade, immigration and foreign policy, is that Bush Republicanism and neoconservatism not only suffered a decisive defeat, they had a sword run right through them.

They are as dead as emperor-worship in Japan.

— Comments —

George Pal writes:

The death of Bush Republicanism may be a hankering in search of a desire.

Communism hadn’t died in 1989. The baton or gavel (or hammer and sickle) had merely been passed on to other brigades (cadres) in the instance of cultural Marxists who had sapped their way into education decades (many decades) earlier.

What may seem, at first glance, a cadaver, is more likely a zombie – like Schrödinger’s cat, dead and living; and like the modern though not yet, seemingly, fully evolved anthropocene leech – blood sucking. Golems and trolls (and neocons – whatever their moniker de jour) are never gotten rid of – never. Short odds that the greatest likelihood is a re-branding and a younger hip (hep) cohort steps up as vanguard – meaning Establishmentarian Republicanism may be sacrificed in name only and an ilk, or three, of Bill Kristols exiled – otherwise, SNAFU.

Never one to stand in the way of progressive nomenclature I might suggest, up from Neoconservatism – Meliorism. Who could not stand proud and puffed as a Meliorist?

Terry Morris:

R.I.P. And good riddance!


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