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The End of East End « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The End of East End

May 27, 2016


MICHAEL R. writes:

Whatever else might be said about it, the documentary The Last Whites of East End exposes the lie of multiculturalism. While many cultures can intermingle, one will inevitably dominate. A family from Bangladesh who moved into the London area in the 1930’s kept their Muslim religion but felt British and mixed with the English. One of them even missed his English mates who have since moved away, but he understood why they left. When they were a minority they could fit in, however, he said, once the Muslim presence became larger, the area changed in its ethos, many new arrivals weren’t going to accommodate the English.

Islam has a goal to conquer while the Cockneys just wanted to keep part of the West End. It was going to be no contest. It’s not racist to prefer your own kith and kin; in fact, it’s self hatred  and  unhealthy, if you don’t. A person who feels confident about who they are can handle newcomers, but if the numbers overwhelm they either flee or fight (so to speak). In politically correct Britain, where successive governments have despised the British and have actively pursued policies to destroy the monoculture nature of the U.K., it is easiest to flee.

All ideas have consequences. There are no African or Asian nations that would deliberately demographically engineer it so that their own people would be driven out by foreigners. The UK/EU have gone further. Anyone who dares question or object to the unending process of marginalisation finds the media, activists, government and its bureaucracy calling them racist. Survival is sin in their reckoning, everyone is supposed to submit to the new order. Just like Nazism and Communism the believers in Liberalism are creating a brave new world and it’s inevitable there will be collateral.

The question is, “Are the Cockneys canaries in the multicultural coalmine?” If not, when will the process of succumbing end? Do the baby boomer believers in Liberalism like anything about the West? Do they see anything worth protecting? Is everything expendable?  I can’t see them altering in any meaningful way,  they  will have to die out as a generation because they hold the power and  have invested their lives in hating the West. The good news is many of their cohort  and young people who are switched on, have not bought into their nihilism. We do have a future, but it cannot be shaped by Liberalism, it’s a time for patience, wisdom and courage.

When a nation abandons God and adopts ideology, it can no longer survive.

— Comments —

Eric writes:

A rare fair piece from the Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation.

The American version is Spanish Lake.

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