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The Faux “Neighborhood Joint” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Faux “Neighborhood Joint”

May 16, 2016

A READER writes:

To add to your ongoing ‘Pizza Industrial Complex’ dialogue, the New York Times discussed the ‘unique pizza’ of ‘Vinnies,’ a place they term a ‘neighborhood joint.’

This statement is an utter and total lie. No longtime, real Brooklyn pizzeria has survived the gentrifying steamroller that has utterly transformed Williamsburg in recent decades from a solid, working-class, product-producing area into a playground for hipsters and the wealthy.

No real pizzaiolo would be caught dead making such an atrocity.

Real quality pizza still exists in NYC, but not in any of these ridiculous enclaves.

Laura writes:

Your bitterness is beautiful.

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