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Yes, Virginia, Conspiracies Are Real « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Yes, Virginia, Conspiracies Are Real

May 10, 2016

FROM Henry Makow:

Our political and cultural “leaders” are accomplices in a plot to re-engineer humanity to serve the Judeo-Masonic central banking cartel. Wars, terrorism, depressions, political and social change, entertainment and fads are all contrived to gradually bring about an Orwellian police state.

Dr. [Richard] Day says politicians are manipulated “without their even knowing it.” Their failure to protect us from this Satanic conspiracy is a betrayal of the first order. We have to alert the sincere ones and reach soldiers and police too. Civilization hangs in the balance. We are in real danger and should prepare for the worst.

Progressives and Leftists need to learn that “progress” and “change” actually refer to totalitarian world government. This is “the change they believe in.” (2004)  The “Hope and Change” (2012).

Dr. Day said in 1969, “people will have to get used to constant change.”

Our society and culture are a fraud based on one central fraud, the monopoly over government credit in the hands of Cabalist private bankers. They are using this power to extend their monopoly over every aspect of our lives by manipulating world events and social behavior. The only way to save civilization from failure is to nationalize the Central Banks.

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