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A TH Betrothal « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A TH Betrothal

June 22, 2016


1470 A Bridal Couple

A Bride and Groom, Swabian Master; 1470

LILY writes:

I have something wonderful to tell you.

Back in August of 2014, you received an email from a ‘George W.’ about finding a wife, and you posted it on your blog.  He asked you about your thoughts on his predicament and what he could do to improve his marriageable chances.  Though he was a financially stable, thoughtful, and intelligent young man, he felt that he was a loser because he had wasted his chances to find a good, traditionally-minded woman by his age.  His shyness towards women made it difficult for him to approach them with confidence which only fed into his severe self doubt and low sense of self worth (I believe he called himself a parasite on society for failing to fulfill his duty to procreate, provide, and protect as a man should).  His post was heart-wrenching for me to read.

I remember feeling similar about myself, in that I failed to achieve the sort of domestic bliss my parents and particularly my mother had for nearly a decade by my age.  The modern world makes it difficult for us sensitive, traditional types. I feared that I would grow into an old maid who lives with her widowed father, partly for economical reasons and partly for companionship.  I have recently endured a toxic long distance relationship that left me feeling like a piece of trash when it finally dawned on me just how little that man cared about me.  Its a long story, but I have since reconciled with him and was glad to see him straighten out and focus on himself, instead of the woman who he tried to use me as a stand-in for.

It was while I was in the middle of that painful experience I read ‘George’s’ post and took you up on your advertisement, sending what was probably an obnoxiously long email about myself for you to forward to him.  I’m glad I did.

We are now engaged and hope to marry in less than a year.  I’ve been poking at him to say something to you since last week and finally decided to say something myself.  ‘George’ was a pleasant surprise after all the ‘gimmie’ men I had to deal with over the years.  The first thing he asked me when we first met in person two months after that first email, was if he could hold my hand.  We still do it every time we visit each other.  There’s six hours of driving between us, so we sometimes went up to four months at a time between visits.  All I can say is thank God for phones and Skype!

We’ve dealt with family members encouraging cohabitation and initiating a physical relationship before taking this major step.  I don’t see the point of that.  Jumping into those things prematurely will not guarantee anything, even if it would have been more convenient for us.  This wasn’t a commitment until he gave me the ring.  We won’t belong to each other until we say our vows.  We didn’t see any reason to entertwine our lives until we knew for sure we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together.

‘George’ was a complete gentleman from the beginning, putting no pressure on me and even saying that if this didn’t work out, we could still remain friends.  No harm, no foul, no emotional baggage to drag into the next relationship. Instead, I would gain a valueable friendship.  This is what my little sister managed to do, and she is now happily married.  I always thought that it was her outgoing personality that helped her in this, but us shy types can make it too, if we just stick to our guns and remain confident.

‘George’ and I are friends for sure, but we are excited about becoming much more to each other.  Our values, our shared experiences, and our shared outlook on life make us a good match.  These things have added to his attractiveness over time, in addtion to his kind face, gentle voice, warm hands, and hair that we often describe is like wool.  I can tell this man anything and feel safe.  He loves it when I dress feminine, and he appreciates my cooking.  I can’t wait to start a family with him and give them the toys I have kept with faint hope for many years.  ‘George’ and I now hope we will be up to the task in raising the next generation.

Forgive me for any spelling or grammer errors in this.  I’ve had a rough day dealing with an injury taking its time to heal (a bruised heel and a sprained ankle while working at a job where I stand for many hours).  I’m about to fall asleep here, but I couldn’t wait anymore to share the good news!  I should send you a picture when we have our engagement photos taken.  We’re both camera shy and don’t always take the best pictures.

Thank you for all that you do.  You’ve inspired me to work a little harder on areas in my life where I struggle to obey God.  I have a long way to go still.  I stumble around a lot, especially when it comes to patience.  Good things come to those who wait seriously applies here.

Laura writes:

An angel raised his golden wings and waved them over the three of us, making this beautiful miracle possible.

And now that you know you have this supernatural friend, never forget him! He is your friend forever.

I am so moved and happy with your news, I could cry. Congratulations.

Here is a prayer for your time before the wedding:

O Gracious Father, Who dost bless us by Thy bounty, pardon us by Thy mercy, support and guide us by Thy grace, and govern us by Thy providence; I give Thee humble and hearty thanks for all the mercies which I have received at Thy hands in time past. And, now, since Thou hast called me to the holy state of marriage, be pleased to be with me in my entering into it and passing through it, that it may not be a state of temptation or sorrow to me by occasion of my sins or infirmities, but of holiness and comfort, of love and dutifulness, as Thou hast intended it to be to all that love and fear Thy holy name. Amen.

— Comments —

Johanna writes:

This story made my day. It’s so wonderful to read GOOD NEWS anywhere. I will pray for them both and for you for setting their blessing in motion.

Noelle writes:

Congratulations to Lily and George.

What amazing news on your website today. I attended a wedding last weekend in which I had introduced the bride and groom, over eight years ago! I know the excitement of joining a couple together, even when you had no idea what was to come. I was thinking of their names. George is the only name that means ‘farmer’, from my previous research and Lily represents ‘purity and innocence.’ There seems to be something fitting in their names for this union. I’m sure their lives together with be a wonderful match!

I also really enjoyed your post on the spiritual nature of farming!

Thank you!

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