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A Theory of Domestic Psychological Warfare « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Theory of Domestic Psychological Warfare

June 13, 2016



ACCORDING to “Anonymous Patriots,” writing at The State of the Nation blog, false flag terrorism is “legal propaganda produced by the Department of Defense:”

Why would the government support false flag events?

This question would go through our minds every time we would see a new false flag event plastered all over the media.  Like many of you, we would think, “It has to be real, otherwise the government and participants would be engaging in treason.” But the narrative and the evidence never seem to match up.  How odd that at Sandy Hook and at San Bernardino there were so many responders from federal agencies and that other drills were already happening on the same day just a mile away.  Coincidence seemed unlikely for one event.  Totally unlikely for two.

It even seemed that the “official story” that was “fed” to the news agencies was filled with holes on purpose.  When 450 responders showed up in San Bernardino, including FEMA, ATF, Homeland Security, FBI, DoD, and all local agencies, within 14 minutes and had their lawn chairs and coolers set up while most of them walked around aimlessly with no worries in the world, we couldn’t take it anymore.  We had always known that “false flags” usually precede severe military action and we couldn’t really imagine military action within US domestic borders since the military is not empowered to act against its own citizens. 


What is the goal of the recent (since 2012) false flag events?

Who gains from the appearance of insidious criminal events?

What mechanisms are used to silence so many participants, i.e. paid crisis actors, government agencies?

How do these agencies “get away with” using creating lies, distortions, and false flags?  Wouldn’t that be called propaganda?

After pondering these questions relentlessly, we lifted another veil of illusion. We asked, “What if these activities to manipulate public opinion were legal?  Could there be a law that protects the president and US agencies (local, state, and federal) from conducting false flag event?  So we changed our focus and began to research false flags as being legal propaganda.  We found the answers in plain sight.  We were beyond disbelief when we discovered that the US Congress has passed laws, post 9-11, that makes state-sponsored propaganda legal.  Take a moment and think about that before reading on.    

Our research lead us to discover the tenets of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 which makes it legal to propagate and broadcast propaganda within America.  We are all being treated like enemy combatants whose “perception” must be managed to come in line with presidential “national security” policies.  The Department of Defense may now broadcast propaganda with the approval and authority of the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) both internationally and domestically.  Just Google it folks.  There is actually an agency with this name. 

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