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Bergoglio Bomb of the Day « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Bergoglio Bomb of the Day

June 27, 2016


THE CATHOLIC Church has never advocated unkindness or incivility to individuals with homosexual desires. It has only offered eternal renewal and the infinite love of God.

But Pope Phony, in his latest anti-Catholic tirade, wants Catholics to apologize.

Christians must ask forgiveness for having not accompanied so many choices, so many families.

Better yet, Francis, who never offered a word of support to the tens of thousands of French Catholics who took to the streets to protest “gay marriage,” should ask forgiveness for pretending he is pope.

Thomas Droleskey writes:

Ever the revolutionary, Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis has adopted the language of the homosexual collective, whose members are filled with bitter anger and hatred at anyone who dares to criticize their “lifestyles” as they are, whether or not they realize it, in rebellion against the very nature that God has implanted within them and have thus done what all revolutionaries do to justify themselves before men: to do violence to language in order to cloud supernatural and natural truth with a fog of irrationality and sentimentality.



Francis to London Pride: “Sorry you’re offended!!”

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