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Brexit « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife


June 23, 2016


Nigel Farage

Nigel Farage

THE European Union was designed to eradicate every separate culture and nation in Europe to concentrate power in the hands of the few, all under the illusion of democracy and open trade. It is a fascist superstate approaching open totalitarianism more and more every day. Will Britain be permitted to leave it? Highly unlikely. But one thing is clear: many Britons desperately want to leave it. The British are enslaved by the EU leviathan.

From State of the Nation on the Brexit referendum today:

There are two extremely courageous Brits who have taken on the whole bloody British System who ought to be pointed out … and highly commended.  UKIP’s Nigel Farage was the real fire-starter.  Quite fortuitously, he was a former commodities broker in London who knows firsthand how the marketplace really works.  The commodities market is perhaps the most manipulated in the world because of how easily it can be used as a weapon of mass destruction.  Certainly, Farage saw the underbelly of the commodity trading beast at its very worst.  This education prepared him to speak, as no one else in the world, about the ills and excesses of the nakedly totalitarian nature of the NWO’s march toward globalization.

Likewise, Boris Johnson has been an exceedingly powerful voice in favor of BREXIT.  As a former mayor of London, he, too, saw how the world really turns.  He especially saw how the many NWO minions throughout the City of London Financial District march to the beat of the Globalist drummer.  The fabricated immigration problem that the U.K. suffers from was particularly vexing to him because he saw — even as mayor — that he had no control, that he had no influence whatsoever over London’s massive influx of economic immigrants.  What he especially took note of was the total loss of power which was insidiously taking place across the entire political class of the United Kingdom.


If the BREXIT vote is not totally rigged, it will be a bloody miracle.

If BREMAIN is not victorious, then a paradigm-shattering display of full-blown deus ex machina will have taken place.

The people of Great Britain are by far the most enslaved and controlled on the planet. They have suffered greatly under the heel of the NWO ruling cabal.  British society has reeled from some of the most draconian laws and inhumane policies and laws on Earth.  Yes, it’s that bad and most Brits don’t even know it.  However, this is exactly where the planetary civilization is being taken.

Which is why the likelihood of a BREXIT is extremely low, despite the vast majority of citizens who will be voting for it.  About that, there is no doubt.  The British people desperately want out of the political tyranny and economic prison known as the European Union.  According to the hard polling data just prior to the cynical murder of MP Jo Cox, the Brits want out bad and they want out now.

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