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Deliberate Distraction « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Deliberate Distraction

June 13, 2016

LUCKY FOR Hillary that the news has turned elsewhere this weekend. Her email scandal has suddenly gotten much worse.

A likely secondary purpose of false flag operations conducted by the Department of Defense under executive order, such as the latest one in Orlando, Florida, is to distract the public from inconvenient news. This would explain why there have not been many false flags recently, as it was beneficial to have all eyes on the heavily controlled campaign process.

Now perhaps a goal of this latest psy-op is to distract attention from anything that might prevent a Hillary victory — and ultimately, of course, get those guns from American citizens too. Or perhaps it is to distract attention from anything that might distract attention from the rigged show that is the election, which helps distract attention from the Federal Reserve and its debt-based scam, as well as from the false script of 9-11 and the War on Terror. Get it? In any event, expect many more false flags in the next few months as Obama ramps things up with his extraordinary executive powers.

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