Fake Funerals and False Flags
June 21, 2016
A READER writes:
I have a question I have always wondered about concerning people who claim mass shootings are fake. How are those “dead” victims explained? Funerals were made. I assume dead bodies were viewed (unless you are assuming every single one was a closed casket).
People who knew those “victims” — faces of all the victims have been shown all over news stations — will never see them again.
Bodies were shown covered in pics as well.
I have so much trouble even understanding, much less believing, mass shootings being fake. Because these people were actually known by others…and now don’t exist on earth.
It’s different if it was just a story and no one knew the victims.
Please explain to me how it is humanly possible to have a fake occurrence occur yet real people are never seen again by their family and friends, are seen in caskets at funerals (assuming not all closed caskets), injured people visited in hospitals (where strangers can visit them too), etc.
I’ve been wondering this for YEARS. Please shed some light on your thinking. I’m on the fence on what to think.
Thanks so much.
Laura writes:
You’re welcome.
Please look at the big picture:
We are almost certainly dealing with government-funded, legal propaganda to achieve a national security objective: the disarming of perceived threats to the citizenry. The United States Department of Defense has conducted information operations for years in foreign countries during wartime, and now it is doing it at home. Civilian participants are almost certainly convinced these operations involve a good and necessary objective. Furthermore, they are likely paid large sums and have signed non-disclosure forms, which include serious penalties, possibly imprisonment for a very long time, if the terms are violated. Unless you understand those elements — the conviction of a critical and legal goal, the large amount of money involved and the threat of punishment — it’s hard to grasp how these things can be pulled off.
I don’t know why you find it so hard to believe that funerals can be staged and identities concocted, especially with dummies and closed caskets. Also, false flag shootings can involve real deaths.
In the case of the Sandy Hook children, they were probably a combination of entirely fake children and borrowed identities. It is very unlikely that anyone died. The final report on the criminal investigation into Sandy Hook did not “include the names, the ages or the sex of the alleged victims of the shooting. There is no actual identification of any of the dead. Even the Danbury, CT, Newstimes found it unsatisfying.” See Memory Hole blog:
Anyone with the inclination can comb through hundreds of years of American crime reports and will not find an instance in the which the names, the ages or the sex of the victims is not given–with the exception of victims of sex crimes. Withholding this information is part of a pattern of deception and deceit that extends to the Clerk of Newtown making secret arrangements with the state legislature to avoid releasing death certificates to the public, attempts to withhold the 911 calls and gag orders imposed upon those responsible for tearing down the building itself:
In a letter accompanying the report, Reuben F. Bradford, the commissioner of the state’s Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, said the names and “contextually identifying information of involved children” were withheld, including descriptions of the children, their clothing and their belongings. “All visual images depicting the deceased have been withheld,” he added, “as well as written descriptions whose disclosure would be highly offensive to a reasonable person and would violate the constitutional rights of the families.”
More on the issue of fake identities can be found here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here. One of the funeral directors involved in Sandy Hook allegedly has a history of corruption.
The funerals for the Sandy Hook children were heavily controlled events. All had closed caskets except for one that was reported to be open in private but was never seen by the public. A description of the funeral of Noah Posner:
On December 17, 2014, three days after the massacre, the funeral service for little Noah was held in Fairfield, Connecticut, where his body reportedly laid in an open casket — a simple brown wooden casket with a Star of David on it.
Since the service was closed to the news media, Noah’s maternal uncle, Alexis Haller, was the source of information about the funeral. An outspoken advocate for gun control who lives in Seattle, Washington, Haller told the Associated Press, “If Noah had not been taken from us, he would have become a great man. He would have been a wonderful husband and a loving father.”
Bizarrely, Noah’s mother, Veronique Haller Pozner, who herself is a gun control advocate, later accused her brother Alexis of speaking without her authorization.
Veronique also told the Jewish Daily Forward that she’d made the painful decision to have an open casket for her son’s wake in order to show people the “ugliness” of gun violence. She said, “We all saw how beautiful he was. He had thick, shiny hair, beautiful long eyelashes that rested on his cheeks. He looked like he was sleeping. But the reality of it was under the cloth he had covering his mouth there was no mouth left. His jaw was blown away.”
Yeah, right.
The story in the Jewish Forward reads like fiction:
Veronique asked the medical examiners not to autopsy her son; she felt that his body had suffered too many indignities. At his funeral, Noah was dressed in a suit and tie. A Jewish friend of Veronique’s at work enjoined Rabbi Praver to allow him to be wrapped in a blue tallis, even though he had not yet had a bar mitzvah.The family placed stuffed animals, a blanket and letters to Noah into the casket. Lastly, Veronique put a clear plastic rock with a white angel inside — an “angel stone” — in his right hand. She asked the funeral director to place an identical one in his left, which was badly mangled.
Just before the ceremony, Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy came to the funeral home to pay his respects. Veronique took him by the arm and brought him to the casket. Noah’s famously long eyelashes — which she spoke about in her eulogy — rested lightly on his cheeks and a cloth covered the place where the lower half of his face had been. “I just needed it to be real for [the governor],” she says. “This was a live, warm, energetic little boy whose life was snuffed out in a fraction of a second because our schools are so defenseless.”
At one Sandy Hook funeral, it appears that an alleged victims was walking around, fully alive. (In some cases, younger versions of real children were apparently used in photos of the dead.)

December 17, 2012 – Newtown, Connecticut USA: A young boy becomes emotional during the funeral for Sandy Hook Elementary School student Jack Pinto at the Honan Funeral Home in Newtown, Conn. December 17, 2012. (Photo by Genaro Molina/Los Angeles Times/Polaris)
We can’t generalize about all these cases, but Sandy Hook gives an idea of how it can be done when there are no real deaths. In the case of real people being fictitiously killed, as likely happened in the Virginia Shooting Hoax, all you need is closed caskets and staged funerals, with some participants believing the deaths are real. The “dead” participants may go off somewhere for a few years and be assured they can resume their old lives once the operation is over. Again, lots of money, courtesy of the U.S. taxpayer.
In the case of Orlando, we don’t know, of course, whether anyone died for sure — some could have been killed even in a false flag operation — but there is so much fakery being revealed about this event every day that it is almost certain that the death toll was not as described. The “deceased” may have been a combination of real people, including real dead people, and fake identities.
Here’s one Orlando funeral (bad language warning). The reporter calls it “the phoniest, fakest funeral ever.”
It takes time to research all the identities of such a large group of people. I assume more will be discovered as time goes on.
— Comments —
Lydia Sherman writes:
The reader who says the faces of the victims “will never again be seen on this earth” need not mourn for long. These same faces of the crisis actors will appear in the next media staged crisis event.