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From Henry VIII to Brexit « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

From Henry VIII to Brexit

June 30, 2016

TH EUROPEAN UNION was the inevitable result of the Protestant Revolution, a revolution which pauperized and oppressed the British people, argues Dr. Thomas Droleskey:

Sadly, the British have no memories of their past, which is why they do not realize that their current Brexit, which has done us the service of [revealing] once again the contempt that elitists in such ossified Marxist bureaucracies as the European Union hold “the people,” is merely exchanging one set of jailers for the ones that they have had since 1534. And while it is true that the statists of the false opposite of the naturalist “right” have contempt for “the people,” it is also true that “the people” have contempt for the truths of the Catholic Faith, outside of which there is no salvation and without which there can be no true social order. We are living through a chastisement of epic proportions. God is using infidels now to punish the heretical, apostate and sinful men of the West just as he used other non-believers to punish wayward Catholics throughout history.

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