June 24, 2016

LYDIA Sherman writes:
Did you see pictures of that disgraceful sit-in Congress had for gun control? What a bunch of college kids. They draw huge salaries and retirements, for this?
Laura writes:
I bet there are at least three armed guards in that room.
These evil hypocrites should start by disarming themselves and the president. Lead by example. Obama’s bodyguards should not carry guns. Nor should the guards on Capitol Hill. Nor should the guards for presidential candidates or celebrities. If guns are the problem, start at the top. Why is it that they can have armed protection, but the people can’t?
And why do they want gun control if the homicide rate is down?
The new narrative is that “mass shootings,” defined by the FBI as 3 or more people killed in one incident, are at epidemic levels and thus require society to increase restrictions on gun ownership as a means of saving lives and lowering the U.S. homicide rate.
However, this narrative flies in the face of reality as the homicide rate in the U.S. is actually at a 51-year low, according to FBI data. The homicide rate in the U.S. for 2014, the most recent year available, was 4.5 per 100,000. The 2014 total is part of a long downward trend and is the lowest homicide rate recorded since 1963 when the rate was 4.6 per 100,000. The last time the homicide rate in the U.S. was lower than it is now was in 1957 when the total homicide rate was 4.0 per 100,000.
Aservant writes:
Although I am 100% on the same page about gun control with you, Laura, I would be very, very skeptical of these claims that the homicide rate is down. It is also claimed that violent crime is down as well, which just at face value can be seen to be a preposterous claim.
What “the powers that be” are willfully omitting from mention are the massive amounts of disappearances, unsolved deaths and killings that are classified other than homicides. A good reference to get a feel for what I am talking about is Collin Flaherty, author of Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry and White Girl Bleed A Lot. Check out his youtube channel where you will learn that for example, just in the Philadelphia area in one year, the DA stated that there were somewhere around 3500 confirmed cases of witness intimidation where known crimes and criminals could not be prosecuted.
It is just another shell game of semantics, using manipulated stats to lull the public into a false sense of security, all the while promoting the great accomplishments of racial and gender affirmative action, demonstrated by press release after press release of black and female chiefs of police glowing about their precinct’s great accomplishments. The fact is that violent crime is off the charts these days and getting constantly worse. Once again, check out Collin Flaherty’s channel as a good place to start……and he just profiles the black community. Another way to confirm what I am saying here is just step into reality, such as visiting one of the places that you speak of on your website…..East St. Louis comes to mind first, and after that, every urban area in the country, from LA, to Houston to Charlotte.
It is very important to make this known not only for reasons of personal safety, but now more than ever we need the right to protect ourselves. The “violent crime is down” meme plays right into the hands of the gun control fanatics and is a total fraud.
Laura writes:
Okay, thank you.