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Naughty Ali « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Naughty Ali

June 8, 2016


THE canonization of Muhammad Ali in the press has left out some inconvenient facts. As Michael Hoffman puts it, “The Media’s Saint of the Diversity Religion was anything but…” Ali sometimes spoke refreshing common sense on race. He had the audacity to say, regarding the various races, “God made us different.” He said he loved his own race and everyone should love their own. However, after a trip to Africa, he said:

“Thank God my granddaddy got on that boat.”

— Comments —

Paul C. writes:

Like Jane Fonda, Ali never paid sufficiently for his traitorous behavior, which was falsely claiming he was a conscientious objector.  Yeah sure Ali, we all don’t want to kill people, but you have to do it if you want to protect hearth and home, as surely you would do if faced with an imminent threat.  What a liar.  He could beat people to a pulp with the significant risk of brain damage or death.  Yet he could not honorably serve his country.

I recall both Ali-Liston fights.  I listened (at about 11) on the radio with my Daddy and brother.  We wanted Liston, a black man, to win.   (And we did not know Liston was a supposed thug.)  We wanted to shut up the braggart, who claimed to be the “greatest.”  This is unsportsmanlike behavior.

It gets worse.  His specious claim was based on belonging to the Nation of Islam, the supposed religion of peace.  We knew otherwise.  These are his statements: “We are not supposed to take part in no wars unless declared by Allah or The Messenger. We don’t take part in Christian wars or wars of any unbelievers . . . Man, I ain’t got no quarrel with them Viet Cong.”  What nonsense from an intelligent person.  For crying out loud, he admitted he was not a conscientious objector.  But the lousy liberal Media (the only Media that existed) did not concentrate on such statements.  We could infer his lie from the limited amount of statements and behavior we were allowed to hear by the liberal Media.

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