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Orlando and Non-Stop Deception « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Orlando and Non-Stop Deception

June 16, 2016

NEW comments regarding the propaganda war now being orchestrated by criminal elements in the media and government in the wake of the staged shooting in Orlando:

Sébastien writes from France:

Here is a video link to the ‘victim’ in Orlando who appears to stand up when he believes the camera is no longer on him. There is no swearing in this version.

[Editor: I have posted above another profanity-less version of this clip. It has an annoying soundtrack. Just turn it off. Please note how the man with red shoes, who is supposedly wounded, plants his feet firmly on the ground when he is put down by his phony rescuers, who are walking toward the Pulse nightclub not away from it.]

 The reason I want to draw your attention to this is because of the comments such as, “I have over 200 friends on Facebook and a husband that won’t believe any of this. I stand completely alone in my world,” and, “Sometimes I think I am dreaming. Literally nobody from my 700 facebook friends are even close to understand what’s taking place. Not even close. It’s terrifying.”

People who walk away from truth are like Judas, who for three years was a privileged witness of Our Lord Jesus Christ, heard him intellectually demolish the Pharisees, raise the dead and heal the sick. Despite this he refused to accept the truth.

These staged killing and terror events are so obviously fake and yet the vast majority refuse to believe the evidence of their senses. It’s very similar to someone not accepting that their spouse is cheating on them despite evidence to the contrary.

These false flags are the absolute proof that government, media and thousands of our fellow citizens are active in destroying society, truth, God and the natural order.

There is only one antidote. We cannot fight lies with weapons, we must fight them with truth and Catholicism is the religion of perfect truth. If you have any doubts, do read the Reverend Denis Fahey who patiently uncovered centuries of lies, false flags, and révolutions, explains their source and shows how the Catholic Church, up to 1958 was a true enemy of falsehood.

Catholics should be brought up to revere the truth above all things and you need this profound respect for truth if you attend the sacrament of confession. Catholics know how difficult it is to confess the same stubborn venial sins again and again, but you absolutely must and it requires real abnegation in order, not only to confess your sins but also not to have scruples which is an uneasy and unfounded fear of having committed sin, based on feeling rather than reason.  Modern guilt over the holocaust, slavery, ‘suffering gays’, immigrants and pollution are non-Catholic equivalents of scruples and strangely enough only affect people living in post-Christian societies.

These scruples are killing us and as long as we are inspired to feel guilt over nonsense these false flags will continue.

Denis Fahey’s “The Mystical Body of Christ” can be downloaded from here.

Lydia Sherman writes:

I was amused at a man wearing red shoes. It may have been his acting debut. He was trying to stand out in a crowd.

Henrique N. writes:

I’m writing again to bring something to yours and your readers’ attention about all the recent shootings in Europe (and America as you’ll see).

Firstly I have to apologize because the links I’m about to share are all in French, but I think automatic translators do a decent job nowadays so I believe non-speakers will still get the essentials.

Hicham Hamza is an independent journalist based in France who runs a “gazette” and publishes some interesting things. His independence is attested by the harassment he’s subject to by the French state and establishment.

See here a list of judiciary procedures against him.

He’s apparently due to pay 7500 euros altogether in fines and compensations (still way less than the tens of thousands of the likes of Dieudonné or Alain Soral but still).

Here Hamza claims that a famous and polemic photograph depicting the victims at the interior of the Bataclan theater where 89 people were allegedly shot on the 13th of November in Paris was originally published by a Twitter account called Israel News Feed (@IsraelHatzolah). In their Twitter profile they claim to be affiliated with United Hatzalah – an Israeli NGO “which is a distributed network of volunteer first responders in Israel” and cooperates with the IDF. This organization is directed by an American called Mark Gerson which you may or may not know. He’s a neocon and was Executive Director of the (in)famous PNAC – Project for a New American Century.

But things get better.

Fast-forward to 22 March 2016: multiple bombings occurred in Brussels on this day at around 8 AM local time. Barely two hours later, the same United Hatzalah organization tweets a quote by one of their EMTs (emergency medical technician) who just happened to be at the airport (praying at the synagogue) when the explosions happened. He recorded a video at the site which he published online.

So, the name of this Israeli organization shows up twice in relation with jihadi terrorist attacks in Europe. There’s a lot more detail on the links, so be sure to read them.

This final link is about the recent Orlando shootings. I’m sure you’ve heard a lot about the shooter, the gun bans and whatnot. But what about the shooter’s employer? His employer was G4S, a British firm that is apparently the largest in the world for “security services.” It so happens this company operates in Israeli checkpoints and prisons and was, for that reason, denounced in Britain by the Labour party and some unions.

Last March, G4S announced plans to leave Israel by 2017 claiming economic dificulties. This didn’t seem to convince the Israeli government which claimed to know that G4S caved in to BDS pressions.

On May 22nd, while at the Jerusalem Post’s anual conference in New York, Mr. Gilad Erdan, Israeli minister for Interior Security, Strategic Affairs and Information, states in his speech that G4S “will pay the price for surrendering to BDS” (video link in the Panamza article).

On June 13th, the day of the Orlando shootings, G4S lost 200 million sterling in value at the London Stock Exchange, shares dropping to 2009’s lows.

Furthermore, some date editing has been done online around Omar Mateen’s security certification by G4S and the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (screenshots in the linked article ). This department is headed by a Adam Hughes Putnam who supported the Iraq invasion and contemplates running for Governor of Florida in 2018. He signed some sort of letter of unconditional support for Israel with current governor Rick Scott.

So there you go. Are all these shootings real, enacted or maybe both? Whatever the truth is, it seems Israel and Zionists are never too far away…

It’s always a pleasure to read your blog.

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