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Serfs to Whom? « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Serfs to Whom?

June 1, 2016

BROTHER NATHANAEL, the (formerly) Jewish critic of Jewish power who has been seriously considering running for president in 2020, responds to an article by Paul Craig Roberts, in which Roberts says that Americans have become “serfs” to the “One Percent.” The “One Percent” is Roberts’ term for the shadow government.

Brother Nathanael writes:

May I ask a stupid question? What is this entity, the “One Percent” that PCR keeps citing over and over?

I don’t recall ever seeing such a thing, have you ever seen it? And if so, what does this “One Percent” look like?

And if this is the ‘thing’ that has conquered the American people making them into serfs, then how can we ever have this “revolution” that PCR calls for if we don’t even know what this oppressor looks like? Who do we “revolt” against? Does this “One Percent” have a hideout that we can surround?

Which brings me to another perplexity. 

PCR writes in his Article: “The United States government has unaccountable power. Its power is not accountable to the Congress, to the judiciary…”

Again, what does “The United States government” look like? And if this entity is totally formless, how is it not accountable to the Congress, to the judiciary?”

I learned in school one day, (I think it was in the 6th grade), that there are 3 branches of the United States government: Executive, Legislative, Judicial.

I also learned at Synagogue (I grew up as a Jew in an upper middle class B’nai B’rith oriented Synagogue) that Jewry was intent on controlling each branch.

Now we might be on to something here where “giving them hell” will lead us to some hard facts.

JEWS control and have infiltrated with their own and goy pawns ALL THREE BRANCHES of the United States government.

And each branch is beholden to this tiny minority, namely JEWRY, which makes up a somewhat over 1% of the population.

Get it? The ONE PERCENT are JEWS. The United States government is a SYNAGOGUE. And Paul Craig Roberts can deal in abstruse abstractions ’till the cows comes home’ but +Brother Nathanael will have none of this skip-to-my-jew dancing around HARD FACTS.

And besides, Russia is NO FOOL. Putin, Lavrov, Medvedev (who is NOT an “Atlanticist” like the idiot Saker says and PCR repeats) KNOW all about JEWmerica. They are NOT fools and have NO wish to cater to Jewwashed-ington DC.

If only bloggers weren’t afraid of the JEW WORD we might know just who to revolt against.

— Comments —

Mark Jaws writes:

Brother Nathaniel is right on the money when it comes to who controls America. I myself have documented the mind boggling overrepresentation of Ashkenazim at the highest levels of media, government, and banking. In fact, six out of the last eight nominations to the Supreme Court made by Democratic presidents have been Ashkenazi Jews. Coincidence? Not on your life.

As you know, I call this cabal of undue influence the Kosha Nostra, and I do so to pinpoint exactly who the adversary is, rather than making the gross generalization that “Jews run America.” I guarantee that I and all of my Jewish relatives and work colleagues don’t run America and know little – if anything – about it. One thing I admire about my fellow, run-of-the-mill Ashkenazim, is that when confronted with the truth laid in a robust and reasonable manner, they will often change their views. However, when they hear “Jews control America” they naturally turn defensive, because they are reminded of the brutal treatment innocent Jews received at the hands of the Nazis simply because a small cabal of Jews in Germany manipulated the currency and poisoned the professions.

Let me leave you with this last thought. We all know that until recently organized crime in America was a predominantly Italian operation. Of course there were Irishmen, Germans, Poles, and Jews involved, but the big dons were Italian, and it was called the Mafia or the Cosa Nostra. Even in the past, most Americans were fair minded enough in the to realize that most Italians had nothing to do with the mob, and used terms such as Mafia and “the mob” to pinpoint exactly who the adversary is, rather than painting with a broad prejudicial brush.

I totally agree with you about the ethnic imbalance at the top levels of power in our country. But let’s call it what it is – “the cabal” or “the Kosha Nostra.” Even I, who is cut in the same mold as Brother Nathaniel, bristles when I hear “Jews control America.”

Laura writes:

Yes, all Jews are not responsible for the misdeeds of the few. Jews themselves are victims and have often been victims, again and again, of Judaic social control. Jews are fed a persecution complex from their early years and trained to believe that they are the victims of irrational hatred. This persecution complex, which is based on half-truths and falsehoods, is a form of child abuse. What kind of people teaches its children that they are hated? How inhuman! This is part of a program of Judaic psychological warfare against non-Jews. If you think you are hated and your people have even been the victim of an industrial-style mass extermination of six million people, you will do anything, anything, to protect your own and you will turn away with repugnance from Christianity, which you have been taught, again and again, is the root of the hatred. Ordinary Jews are victims of this brainwashing because it leads them to turn a blind eye to the crimes and mentality of the criminal few, and then they themselves often suffer the repercussions. Those who are intelligent and educated, who can pick up books and read, cannot be excused, however, from this blind, tribal defensiveness.

You write:

However, when they hear “Jews control America” they naturally turn defensive, because they are reminded of the brutal treatment innocent Jews received at the hands of the Nazis simply because a small cabal of Jews in Germany manipulated the currency and poisoned the professions.

And why aren’t they reminded of the heinous crimes Jews committed against Russians under Communism or the Jewish persecution of Christians under the Roman Empire or the slavery of usury and central banking or, most of all, the Crucifixion? Because they have been brainwashed and misled.

I know what you’re saying, but the root problem is not the “Kosha Nostra.” The root problem is Judaism, which is a perversion of the religion of the ancient Israelites. Judaism breeds racial self-worship, materialism and revolutionary utopianism, even though it is mixed with reverence and ethical truths. The Talmud encourages lying and exploiting non-Jews, which is why Jews have encountered so much resistance in every culture, Christian and pagan, in which they have settled. Most Jews today don’t even know what is in the Talmud, nor are they guilty of the crimes it encourages. They are not trying to rip gentiles off, but they are formed in some ways by Jewish tribalism and anti-gentilism. Even secular Jews are infected with its values. They reject the moral law on a social level and are instinctively opposed to anything that could empower a Christian majority. How many of the colleagues you mention are vocally opposed to abortion, same-sex “marriage,” legalized divorce, the pornography industry, etc.? I would wager very few. When Jews turned away from their Messiah, Jesus Christ, they committed themselves permanently to revolution against the moral law.

There is no redeeming Judaism. It is a toxic, inhuman religion, even though many good people have sincerely sought to know and love God through it and even though it contains elements of truth and beauty.

The enemy is not a race or a people. It is Judaism.

Mr. Jaws writes:

Wow. You said a great deal. I am sorry to hear you say it, but I cannot refute most of it. In fact, as early as age four I can remember my Jewish grandmother telling me that there was no such thing as Santa Claus. Talk about psychological warfare. However, on at least ten occasions during my youth in lower Manhattan my family and I were targeted by the Goyim for being dirty Jews. In fact, my older brother and I were know as Matzoh and Little Matzoh, respectively, even though our father was not Jewish and we did not practice Judaism in any form or manner. This is a complex issue in that the vast majority of Ashkenazim on a personal level are intelligent and wonderful people, but as a political force they do more harm than good precisely for the reasons you laid out. Furthermore, most Christians haven’t the foggiest idea that many Jews hold historical grievances for past oppressions, and are not aware that in more than just a few regards the Koran and the Talmud share a disdain for the infidels.

Laura writes:

I agree, it is a complex issue.

Personally, I have had, and will always have, a strong liking for individual Jews. What’s not to like? They are smart, witty and warm.

It’s ironic that in mentioning your being bullied by non-Jews you use the term “goyim,” which while literally is not offensive and, as far as I know, refers to non-Jewish nations, often is used by Jews, including Jewish children, in a disparaging or condescending way. Also Jews are fond of referring to non-Jewish girls insultingly as “shiksas.” My point is that Jewish children do their own bullying, usually of a verbal kind among themselves. In junior high, I managed to win acceptance by a circle of popular Jewish girls, but only after they agreed that I “looked Jewish.”

Laura adds:

A great article by Preston James.

June 6, 2016

Mr. Jaws responds:

I read the article, and I agree with most of it. So for the record, and just to prove that my heart is in the right place on this matter, I will state that I am absolutely convinced that there is a ruling cabal that has unprecedented levels of political, financial, and cultural power. This cabal maintains its grasp on the levers of power by controlling the media, and with it the flow of information to the average citizen. The majority of the members of this cabal are Ashkenazi Jews. And anyone who doubts the level of Ashkenazi domination has their head so far up their rectum.

I refer to this cabal as the Kosha Nostra, while Mr. Preston James uses the term the Khazarian Mafia. He is wrong in that regard, and thus he loses credibility with folks who might otherwise read this article with an open mind. We Ashkenazim are not descendants from Khazars. DNA analysis has proven that old line as mythological. We are a mixture of Near East and European ethnicities, thus we are far more European looking than our distant North African and Middle Eastern Jewish cousins because mitochondrial DNA suggests the line was started when Jewish men mated with female Europeans and brought up the kids as Jews.

Second, while I am open minded to 9-11 having Kosha Nostra fingerprints all over it, I prefer to stay away from that line, and instead concentrate on the following points that I can DEFINITELY demonstrate. First, the Kosha Nostra controls the majority of the American media. Second, the Kosha Nostra controls the Democratic Party. Six of the last eight nominations made by Democratic presidents to the Supreme Court just so happen to be Jewish. Third, the Kosha Nostra controls Hollywood. And finally, and most importantly, the Kosha Nostra controls the Federal Reserve and many – if not most – of our major banks. Those four facts should be enough to wake up even the most slumberous goy. And by the way, as someone who is half Gentile himself, I use the term Goy in a derogatory manner to depict a totally clueless Gentile, who even when confronted with facts on the Kosha Nostra choses to play the ostrich.

We should concentrate on these four points alone – because our Kosha Nostra adversary cannot refute them – and we should leave the Khazars, 9-11, and Holocaust denial on the sidelines. They only distract and detract from our credibility.

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