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Swiss Babylon « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Swiss Babylon

June 8, 2016



From the opening ceremonies of the Gotthard Tunnel

THE EUROPEAN elite have been playing with the occult for many years, a fact which has been particularly noticeable in the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. But the most chilling and disturbing example is the recent opening ceremony for the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland.

The longest and deepest train tunnel in the world, Gotthard traverses the Swiss Alps and cost 11 billion Euros to build. Nine miners died during its construction, which took 17 years. The opening ceremonies for this great feat of engineering, hailed as a force for European unification, were attended by some of the most powerful people in Europe, including Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, Switzerland’s President Johann Schneider-Ammann, Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel and France’s President Francois Hollande. Many thousands of spectators were also in attendance. With zombies, scarabs, human/goats, flying demons, embracing lesbians and almost-naked, pale-white walking corpses, the ceremonies were similar to a secret society ritual, but in full open display. Watching it, one almost expects a human sacrifice to be performed at any minute.

The Gotthard ritual was split into 2 separate events, one for elite dignitaries inside the tunnel and the other outside in Erstfeld for the thousands of public attendees. Both were laced with graphic demonic symbolism, and broadcast live across the world through RT, BBC and other major European outlets.

The indoor ceremony followed a similar, yet scaled down version, of the outdoor Erstfeld ritual, and was coordinated by German director Volker Hesse. [TruNews.]

Vigilant Citizen writes:

[T]here is no better way to showcase sheer power than putting the “Illuminati stamp of approval” on massive mega-projects such as the Olympics or major constructions.

Here is a staged scene of the masses who will travel through the tunnel:


You can view the outdoor ceremony here. However, please heed this warning: Do not watch with children in the room. Vigilant Citizen has posted a long description, and writes:

The occult elite is all about power and symbolism. The above ceremony showcased both. Through the opening ceremony of the world’s deepest and longest tunnel, the occult elite tells the world that they control the world’s resources and manpower. In other words, they are the only ones who can make such projects happen because they control politics, finance and business. Furthermore, by creating overtly occult  ceremonies, the elite tells the world: “This is what we believe in, this is what we think of you and there is nothing you can do about it.”

The opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel turned a great feat of engineering into a religious ceremony dedicated to Baphomet while somewhat ridiculing the workers who sacrificed their lives and the masses who will travel through the tunnel. Then, Europe’s most powerful people stood up and gave a standing ovation to this ceremony dedicated to the true ruler of the occult elite.

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